2022 Candidates
We are no longer actively building this page because we found the Ky Liberty Caucus (KLC) page that appears to be very complete:
Please click here to learn about Kentucky’s liberty candidates.
If you know of a liberty candidate, please let us know, we will add them here until they are on the KLC page.
Where we differ from KLC
Thomas Massie has proven himself to be a champion of liberty. He has an R challenger, Claire Worth. We support Massie. Nobody’s perfect, but there is no way we would work against a proven liberty warrior like Massie. Too bad Claire doesn’t live in another district.
Liberty Candidates not yet on the above site
Ami Hillenmeyer: District 5, Lexington City Council (getting more info now)
Chet Hand in Boone County (2 )
Gerardo Serrano running against Hal Rogers in the 5th District
Here’s what we had before linking to the above site.
U.S. Congress
Lee Watts challenging Brett Guthrie in District 2
State Senate Candidates
State House Candidates
#15 Rebecca Raymer
#41 Bryan Shepherd
#50 Candy Massaroni, 502-510-1464, candymassaroni@protonmail.com
#55 Tony Wheatley
#59 Bridgett Ehley Running against RINO Speaker of the House David Osbourne, Oldham County. Osbourne is holding back bills regarding mandates from going to committee.
#62 Michelle Nance challenging Phillip Pratt
#66 Steve Rawlings challenging Ed Massey
#67 Jerry Gearding challenging Rachel Roberts
#95 David Pennington running against Lafferty
Steven Doan
Courtney Gilbert
Marianne Proctor