Draft Ordinance Working to Ban Farm Animals in Lexington
UPDATE 12/7/11: The proposed changes to the ordinance will be back before the Planning and Public Works Committee on January 24, 2012 at 1:30 pm in Council Chambers. You may obtain a copy of the packet a few days before the meeting by clicking here and then on the meeting.
Thank you, Steve Kay, Lexington council member at large, for keeping us up-to-date on this:
"A draft ordinance before the Planning & Public Works Committee would ban all horses, cows, hogs, pigs and goats in the city except for miniature versions."
As an urban food farmer, I would love to be able to have goats in my backyard. They are far less dirty than dogs, much quieter, plus they provide food. It makes no senses to forbid them.
As far as changing the rules to become more restrictive by type of animal, lot size, and/or nuisance (other suggestions to limit farm animals), if it ain’t broke, why fix it? Regulating on the basis of lot size will become a micro-management endeavor of monumental proportions, with exceptions, wasted time researching lot sizes, massive amounts of paperwork for everyone, as well as additional hardship and costs on the part of the citizen.
Are all farm animals in the city a problem? I’m wondering what is the reasoning behind this ordinance? If there are no problems, why a ban? Who benefits? Without solid reasoning behind this, it sounds like a law that will only serve to restrict property rights and the freedom to grow food in the city with no benefit to voters.
If LFUCG wants to give us back the right to keep goats, let's repeal the ordinance that prohibits that.
How can you help preserve your property rights?
Please comment on Steve's post -- he blogs for transparency and is looking for our response!
Write to your Lexington council member to protest this and suggest they simply repeal the ordinance banning goats. Find your council member here.
If you live in or near Lexington, please drop in Tuesday 12/6 @ 1pm to the Planning and Public Works Committee meeting and let your voice be heard. There should be a meeting packet available beforehand so you can verify the agenda, but it's not online yet. (Maybe it will not be on the agenda, then they'll find time and discuss it anyway? Could they do that?)
Thank you! We can do together what we cannot do alone.