Everything is Normal. Right?
Ignore the earthquake you feel rumbling under your feet, y'all crazy conspiracy theorists.
MAFA-KY (the Make Americans Free Again Kentucky chapter) fights medical tyranny state-wide and nationally. Kentucky Stands Up supports these efforts with weekly, KY-specific news on medical tyranny and our fight for liberty in all areas of private and public life.
Market Bash & Potluck this Thursday!
Please join us at our monthly Let’s Trade Ky Market Bash & Potluck this Thursday at Brewed 5:30-8pm! Bring a table and brochures, samples, ideas, info, and share your wealth with the rest of us!! Join us in person and bring a friend, let’s keep building, there’s SO MUCH to do yet!!
Stop Reading the Bad News. Seriously. It is killing you.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” — Albert Camus
From If The Sheep Disappoint You, Read This: “If you are paying too much attention to the [sheep], you will depress yourself. It is good to know what they are up to, but that’s it. They have no actual bearing on your life. … Klaus Schwab does not matter. Tony Fauci does not matter. The bravest and most discerning among us see those people and their ideas for what they are and have not fallen for them. The bravest and most discerning have stood their ground through all this. Some have even come to live more free lives during this period of corona communism. … As all the world gives in to the idea that Klaus Schwab is their evil, Bond-villain master, the most brave and discerning have grown more free. This is a choice you get to make. Are you going to focus on Joe Biden and Bill Gates — two men who have nearly no impact on your life — or are you going to focus on yourself, your home, and the world immediately around you?”
From Live Free w/John Bush: “There are two types of people who care about liberty, prosperity, and self-reliance. The first type are those who recognize the problems in the world and bust their butts to solve them. They get out of their comfort zones. They invest in learning more, building skills, and setting up systems. They work on freeing themselves first and then helping others free themselves. Then there’s the second type of people who recognize the problems in the world and just keep learning more and more about the problems. They know everything possible about the global elites. They’ve read all the hidden books exposing the secret history of control.” Continue reading here.
Matthias Desmet on Loneliness & How Covid Happened
So good that this podcast needs its own section. “Industrialization and the use of technology has increased human loneliness exponentially. It is a necessary condition for mass formation and the success of totalitarianism. It has gotten so bad that the U.K.'s Teresa May actually appointed a Minister of Loneliness.”
★ Special Meeting September 15th! ★
Announcing a Friend-Raiser to support KY Rep. Savannah Maddox’s bid for Ky Governor! We’ll have our regular social time starting at 6pm (Maddox will be there), the meeting starts promptly at 6:30, then Maddox will speak at 7, followed by a Q&A.
Snacks will be provided and a cash bar. Donations to Maddox’s campaign welcome, but not required. Please bring neighbors, family, and friends!!!! This is an excellent opportunity for them to meet Ms. Maddox and US :)
The Threat of a Cashless Society
It’s not pretty and we are headed there. Learn the signs and what you can do to pushback.
Learn to Can Food Tomorrow 10am in Georgetown
Linda Stevens is teaching a class on how to can food. The class format will include classroom time as well as hands-on kitchen time. If you are interested, please text Linda at 916-768-7678!
Inspirational Message to the Unvaxxed from Pierre Kory
Mary Holland: Those Who Violated Nuremberg Code Must Be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
Steve Kirsch does it again: Think We Got it Wrong?
As does Jeff Childers over at Coffee and Covid: 🦠 Mouse Data
According to John Bush, there are 2 types of people: the GSD and the CAS. Which one are you?
Woke Retailers Seek Congressional Smash and Grab on your Credit Card
MAFA KY Initiatives
Join our Mutual Aid & community building site @ Let’s Trade Ky! Once you are on the site, your liberty-loving friends can find you and connect, either using your services or connecting because you all have same interests.
County Over Country: Keeping an Eye on the Bastards Surveillance makes bureaucrats squirm. So we’re all over this. Want to have this kind of fun in your area? Details here!
CASH ONLY — Once you start using cash, you realize that pushing back feels GOOD!!! More on this initiative here.
ISO of KY Covid-Injured (Mandates and/or Vaccine) Do you have a story? Hit reply and let’s talk. All info is confidential until YOU are ready to share it.
KY Liberty Events
NKY TEA: September 7 at 6:00 PM at Erlanger Branch / Kenton Lands Road Twain-Clemons room, Erlanger Library. School Board candidates in contested races including Boone and Campbell County and Beechwood School District, Fort Mitchell. The future of our country lies in Election Integrity AND the children. Your school board has much more local control than ever before due to laws passed in the 2022 legislative session. Attend this vital meeting to make informed decisions. Invite your family, friends and neighbors.
Savannah Maddox Friend-Raiser September 15th 7pm to 8:30 at [newton’s address, still have to look that up lol]
Take heart: YOU are defining the better way.
If you are new around here, WELCOME! Help us build our community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can, bring a friend, then come again. Meeting details are here.
Let’s do this.
So regarding Matthais Desment, here's some ideas based upon study and research going back to Freud, Jung, and even earlier. My point is I'm not making this stuff up in my head. It was said before I was born.
"A mass is a group that is formed because all individuals separately connect to the collective." No no no. There is no such thing as an individual being in any way part of a collective. This is not about the label "individual" but the state of being, the mind.
Forget about the Marxists, technocrats for a minute. Most people have never been an individual in their life. They go along with the crowd, from their friends to their parents, from TV, movies, mainstream, to social media. These people do NOT want to DEVELOP their own decisions let alone "make" them. To these sheep, "making" a decision is only a selection. They were not part of "thinking" to get to that point.
Most can't even follow what I am talking about because they have never done it, and the habit to RIDICULE the unknown is too strong. I get ridiculed all the time. Everybody tells me they are an individual. They BELIEVE an individual = a SINGLE HUMAN. WRONG WRONG WRONG.
If people can't get past that, they ARE in "massformation" which used to be known as "conformity trance". This non-individual is the false self, the pseudo self.
It can't be told or shown, it can only realize for itself. Ayn Rand, Bruce Lee would discuss this. People avoid Rand's work like the plague. Why? Ridicule and fear.
Also we can't have a discussion on her work without understanding that the terms she used are not the same as today's "terms".
Also one just can't "read" Rand's work...they have to "apply" it, use it, test it out. Being alone and loneliness are not the same thing.
So I disagree. "Loneliness" isn't the problem. Not practicing psychology, philosophy, every day, and applying it to how one lives their life--has ALWAYS been the problem. Start with THIS http://aynrandlexicon.com/ayn-rand-works/philosophy-who-needs-it.html