Fluoride: How to Educate Your KY Reps
This is the year to dump fluoride OUT of our water supply!
Dear Friends,
Currently KY law mandates that every county must fluoridate its water supply. When Kentuckians (including legislators) learn the truth about fluoride and its seriously detrimental effects on our health, they jump on board getting rid of it!
There is a bill in the House this year getting a LOT of attention and enthusiasm for its passage. We must strike while the iron is hot!
Cindi Batson has been championing this movement for the last few YEARS and has offered us a letter to send (or take) to our legislators. This is a lengthy response to a State Representative who was sitting on the fence and had asked for lots of info. Please edit at will, make it your own and send asap!
Thursday October 25 at 1pm in Frankfort
The bill is getting a hearing on Thursday October 25 at 1 pm in the Interim Joint Committee Meeting room. Please send this letter and plan to be there if at all possible!!!
Dear Senator/Representative:
Thank you for responding so quickly and agreeing to research during the recess. HB 361 is simple in that it will allow Kentucky water producers to opt out of the practice of water fluoridation whereas currently, the legislative body of Kentucky mandates it per KRS 211.190. I hope you can agree that when science is being reconsidered, so must the law be.
Senator West filed this bill in 2020 and was granted an IJC hearing on Sept 22. During his introduction, he stated that there is new research regarding water fluoridation coming from academic institutions so quickly that it is difficult to keep up.
It would be worth your time to watch the hearing and review the supplied meeting materials. https://www.ket.org/legislature/archives/?nola=WLEGP+020082&stream=aHR0cHM6Ly81ODc4ZmQxZWQ1NDIyLnN0cmVhbWxvY2submV0L3dvcmRwcmVzcy9fZGVmaW5zdF8vbXA0OndsZWdwL3dsZWdwXzAyMDA4Mi5tcDQvcGxheWxpc3QubTN1OA%3D%3D
An example of the flurry of new data, is a study from Brazil, available Nov 21, 2020 demonstrating that consuming fluoridation chemicals in water cause oxidative stress that leads to a myriad of chronic inflammatory illnesses. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mrgentox.2020.503297
A comprehensive review published in July, 2020, by a public health nurse with a PhD entitled “Water fluoridation: When current research contradicts public practices” will be well worth your time to read to help you understand the entire topic at hand. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/phn.12758
In KY, we use a chemical called hydrofluorosilicic acid. It is a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing and has been found to contain contaminants such as aluminum, arsenic, lead, and other contaminants from the Earth’s crust. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4090869/
It is not a pharmaceutical grade product and is purchased by our water systems from the lowest bidder. Water districts that produce their own water, from across the state wrote to their legislators in support of Senator West’s bill citing research that handling the chemical may be hazardous to their health!
It is a toxic and corrosive acid that is dripped into the water to increase the amount of fluoride in the drinking water. The letters are available in the meeting materials for the Sept 22, IJC on local government. https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/CommitteeDocuments/26/
Some conclude that people in Kentucky who do not wish to drink fluoridated water can simply filter it. Fluoride has such a small micron size that the only filtration that will remove it is reverse osmosis, distillation, activated alumna, and bone char filters. Each of these must be maintained with new filters on a regular basis, are expensive, and the cost incurred to artificially elevate the fluoride levels of water is left flushed down toilets, run through washing machines, etc.
So 99% of the fluoride added to public water is send back down the drain to contaminate ground water and other water bodies. It makes more sense that if someone wishes to consume doses of fluoride, then like any other medication or supplement, they consult with a care provider and take the appropriate dose prescribed to them.
There should never be a reason for a pregnant woman to be fearful that tap water may have a negative health consequence for her child. When you read the above citation, you will see that in 2019, the Journal of American Medical Association Pediatrics published a Canadian cohort study suggesting that children born to mothers who consumed optimally fluoridated water had lower IQ than children born to mothers who did not consume water with added fluoride. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2748634
The Editor in Chief of JAMA Peds recorded a brief podcast to discuss the study and the decision to publish the article. He recommends that pregnant women drink fluoride-free water during pregnancy! Please give this 12 minute interview a listen and keep in mind that other studies have been published since this one made waves. Just follow the link and hit play https://edhub.ama-assn.org/jn-learning/audio-player/17802991
I sincerely hope this is enough evidence for you to agree that artificially elevating the fluoride in water by adding silicofluorides with no known safety profile should simply not be mandated by our state government. Let the people consuming the water, make that choice. Please support HB 361 and co-sponsor the bill.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or for more info. There is a lot available!
Best regards.