What about Jack Conway's Black BIL Hezzie Boone?
Hezzie Boone's life has taken a bad turn. Is he guilty of all the things the Conway's allege? Or is he the victim of Kentucky's famous corruption? This was written by one of his family members. One thing is for sure: Hezzie had better have a GREAT lawyer to fight the Conways.
I am writing this in an effort to share with those who are interested in knowing exactly how Hezekiah Boone’s life has been destroyed by the Attorney General, Jack Conway, and his family. What I am going to share with you are all facts that can and have been documented by court records.
Hezekiah “Hezzie” Boone has suffered extensively from the abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and racism by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This includes actions by the Attorney General Jack Conway, his two sisters, Meagan Boone Conway and Kelly Gordinier, Thomas Conway, Jack Conway’s father, an Investigator from the Attorney General's office, George Stewart, Detective Trinity Tillman from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD), Judge Jennifer Wilcox, Judge Audra Eckerle, Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Nathan Ray Batey, Attorney Luis Winner, and Attorney Bill Hoge.
All of those who have been named are part of public record and this information can be verified and obtained in court documents. There are many court orders and motions filed in this case and most recently a plea was offered to Hezekiah Boone from the Commonwealth of Kentucky on September 10, 2015. The plea is based upon false arrests, false charges, false police reports, false imprisonment, no search warrant, an illegal search and seizure of DNA, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, interference and influence from the Attorney General and his office.
Hezekiah “Hezzie” Boone is Jack Conway’s African American brother-in-law. Hezekiah married Jack’s sister, Megan Conway, on September 17, 2004, at their family church Holy Spirit on Lexington Road. It was followed by a lavish and very expensive wedding reception held at the Kentucky Derby Museum. They lived together and dated for seven years prior to getting married. To this union of marriage three beautiful children were born, one girl and two boys. Hezekiah is a college graduate from Spalding University and was a star basketball player at Fern Creek High School.
Hezekiah felt at the time of marriage that he was accepted by the Conway family members. He went on family vacations with all family members including the parents of the Attorney General. He attended weddings, elaborate Derby parties, sat on Millionaire’s row, and attended political functions when Jack was running for political offices. Hezekiah even flew to Las Vegas in the spring of 2005 with Jack and Matt Conway along with a group of their friends for Matt’s private bachelor party. (What happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas).
When Hezekiah and Megan started their family it was their mutual agreement that Hezzie would be the primary caregiver and the stay at home father. Neither Hezzie nor Megan wanted babysitters or nannies raising their children. Hezekiah’s family respected their decision.
Hezzie was met with opposition from the Conway extended family, however, and was looked upon by them as lazy and living off their financial status. This caused a lot of anxiety and feelings of not being accepted or respected for their decision to have children and raise them the way they desired. Hezzie has been married and a part of the family for eighteen years now.
Over the course of time, Hezzie has become knowledgeable of Conway family matters, some very serious in nature. His wife often shared with him confidential family information as well as firsthand accounts to many embarrassing and controversial situations and incidents. When the marriage began to fall apart, there was a realization by the Conways that Hezekiah would no longer be part of the family. They recognized that he had full knowledge of what could and would be a problem if certain information were to become public in the course of his divorce from Megan Conway.
Hezekiah was offered a sum of money $350,000 from his wife to walk away from the marriage and his children in October, 2014. He was being pressured by his wife to take the money or make an offer as to what it would take to make him leave the family. Hezekiah’s concerns with his children became his main focus. He was told by Megan to just take the money and they could arrange custody for the children at a later time.
Hezzie did not trust what Megan was saying about the children. Hezzie had been the primary care taker of all three of his children since their birth. He loved and adored them with all his heart and soul. Hezzie hired his own attorney, and once he did, all HELL broke loose. There are recorded conversations on Hezzie’s phone (now held by police without a search warrant) along with witnesses that can testify to those recorded conversations concerning specific information.
Megan told Hezzie that since he had hired his own attorney, she would make sure in court that he would not be able to gain custody of his kids. He then asked Megan what that meant exactly. Her response was that she would build a stalking case against him. She told Hezzie that she would tip off the LMPD and have a case built against him making him look like a bad father, and he would never stand a chance in court to gain any rights to his children.
Hezzie then told her if she did that, then he would be obligated to divulge the threat that she had just levied. As a result of waging such a bitter assault against him in what could have been a very simple and amicable divorce, he warned her that in order to protect his rights as a father, everything would become court record, and this included a confidential conversation that the two of them had at the lake. Megan was ballistic and accused Hezzie of ruining her family. She also informed her father, Thomas Conway, of this conversation.
There was no reconciliation for the marriage and Megan wanted Hezekiah to leave their family home. Upon the advice of his attorney, he remained in the home as the primary caregiver of the children. Since Megan was very agitated with Hezzie for hiring his own attorney, she began rushing Hezzie and his attorney to have the divorce finalized in a time frame of 30 days. In an attempt to force the divorce, Megan cut off all joint access accounts to Hezzie that they both lived on, directly disobeying an order from Judge Byars that was declared in court in November, 2014. That order stated not to change anything involving the family assets. Megan blocked access to all marital finances and told Hezzie to figure it out on his own now.
November 21, 2014, LMPD Detective Trinity Tillman and four Sheriff’s came to Hezzie’s home and threw him out of his residence, on the street for domestic violence. He was told, “Nigger get your black ass out of here. It’s time for you to go!” Megan and Detective Trinity Tillman had conspired together and filed a false domestic violence charge against Hezzie. This was done in an effort to start piling up multiple charges that would eventually lead to criminal actions to have Hezekiah destroyed and incarcerated.
On Sunday November 30, 2014, nine days after Hezzie was thrown out his $672,000 home, Detective Trinity Tillman came to the residence where Hezzie temporarily resided. This was on a Sunday afternoon around 1:00 p.m. Hezzie and his family had just left attorney Tom Banks office. Tom Banks was hired by Hezekiah to represent him in court on December 1, 2014, for the domestic violence charge that Megan and Detective Trinity Tillman had conspired to falsify against him.
Tillman and several LMPD officers escorted Hezzie to Glenmary Avenue. He was held there surrounded by police officers and an LMPD Evidence Technician Unit truck was brought to the location in the Highlands. A technician got out of the vehicle and conducted on the open street, a DNA swab. While this was being video recorded, Hezekiah’s mother was calling his newly hired attorney Tom Banks to inform him of the treatment Hezzie was being subjected to by the police. Tom Banks finally answered the phone and Hezekiah’s mother was frantically explaining what was happening. Tom Banks expressed disbelief as Ms. Boone relayed the events. His response was, "They are doing WHAT?!? Swabbing his mouth for what and why?!?” By then the technician had completed the swab and Hezzie was told by Detective Tillman to sit in the front seat of an unmarked police vehicle and he was never handcuffed.
Tom Banks told Ms. Boone to tell Hezzie not to talk to them and to get out of the car. Ms. Boone told a police officer that Hezekiah’s attorney is on the phone and to go to the car and tell him not to talk. Following the request of Ms. Boone an officer approached Tillman’s car and Hezzie gets out of the car. (This incident was video recorded and is available to view).
He was not arrested or charged with any crime. He was never told why this was happening to him. He was never asked to show his identification to prove he was the person they were seeking. His fingerprints were never taken, nor had his Miranda rights been read to him. In fact, the police did not have a proper search warrant. This was an orchestrated plan of intimidation and harassment. Tom Banks, Hezzie’s attorney, witnessed this illegal seizure via phone.
After just one appearance in court with Hezekiah, Tom Banks removed himself as the representing attorney for the defendant, citing his fear that the Conway’s harassment tactics could be brought to him and affect his law firm. In turn, Tom Banks recommended Luis Winner to take Hezekiah’s case, and Luis Winner became Hezekiah’s third attorney.
On Saturday December 6, 2014, Megan dropped off their children to Hezzie’s mother’s apartment. His mother went to the car to get the kids out. At that time Megan was asked by Hezzie’s mother why she had sent the police over to her apartment just days before and what did that incident concern. Megan told Hezzie’s mother “My father sent the police over here. He is protecting our family, because Hezzie threatened to ruin my family”. Megan was asked how Hezzie can possibly ruin the Conway family with the status that the family has. Hezzie’s mother defended her right to live in her apartment without the Conway family having the ability to send the police over any time they pleased. Megan stressed again that it was her father, Thomas Conway, that was responsible for sending the police and the evidence technician truck and that she had nothing to do with it.
How can a private citizen possess the power to order a LMPD Evidence Technician Unit Truck to conduct DNA seizure on another private citizen? This incident was an obstruction of justice. It is a direct violation of Hezekiah’s civil and constitutional rights. Thomas Conway, the Attorney General’s father can use city property and the LMPD to intimidate and harass his son-in-law involving his daughter’s divorce.
This illegal act of intimidation reflects the words of Megan exactly when she said. “My father sent the police over here. He is protecting our family”. The illegal collection of DNA was one of many incidents to follow in an effort to silence Hezekiah about family matters and to keep the Conway’s business out of court records. These acts of abuses of city resources which is a waste of tax payer’s money, is proof that the Conway family will misuse their power by their sense of entitlement. The LMPD, the court system, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky are their tools for that entitlement and used for their benefit at all costs, to totally disregard the law.
Hezekiah and Megan have been in very bitter divorce now for almost a year. The divorce was filed in October, 2014. Hezekiah has hired a total of four divorce attorneys. One was incompetent and was fired; another changed their mind, and the last two Luis Winner and Bill Hoge were in collusion with the Conway’s to sabotage the divorce and both were fired. While Luis Winner was still representing Hezzie, he set up mediation in January, 2015, in which he switched mediators to Hezekiah’s objection. Luis Winner allowed the mediator to side with Megan and failed to represent his own client. He did absolutely nothing to work out anything for Hezzie’s best interest. Hezzie was tricked into agreeing to the supervised visitations with his children and without that agreement he could not see them. Luis Winner went to the mediation with FORGED PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES that Hezzie did not sign. The document that Hezzie had verified and submitted to his attorney was switched to look as if there were no assets as it related to their marriage. In actuality, there are millions of dollars in assets and real estate involved. Hezzie was being pressured by Luis Winner and Mitch Charney, the mediator, to take a very minimal amount while degrading him and his role as primary caregiver to his children. Hezekiah refused and fired Luis Winner in February, 2015.
Bill Hoge, Hezekiah’s fourth attorney, refused to fight for Hezzie to get a fair and lawful divorce. He set up a trick deposition for Hezzie without ever informing him as to how the process works. Hezzie was told Megan would be giving her deposition as well. The following day Bill Hoge came up with a story that Megan had no money to pay for her deposition, and therefore; she would not be giving one. Additionally, Bill Hoge told Hezzie that he would not be seeking any assets from the family home to settle the divorce. He was trying to convince Hezzie that he was not entitled to anything, and to just 'take what you can get' type of settlement. On April 20, 2015, Bill Hoge and Hezzie parted. Bill Hoge, two days later on April 22, 2015, sent Hezzie a threatening email relating to the Conway family’s tax and campaign matters, warning him not to speak of it with anyone.
Meanwhile, Hezekiah was court ordered to numerus urine and hair follicle drug tests. Once it was proven that he was not a drug user, Hezekiah was told by Megan’s attorney, Harold Storment, that the drug testing lab was not being truthful about the test results. Hezekiah’s drug tests were conducted at Accurate Drug and DNA Testing located at 2307 Bardstown Road. He found that accusation to be absurd and knew that they were upset because of the lies that had been told in court proved their stories wrong. Every part of his life has been picked and plucked apart in an effort to destroy his character, integrity, dignity and human spirit. The persecution Hezekiah has endured by the Conways is the same as that of a slave that they allowed on the plantations and now they have no use for him. Let him run so they can stalk him, hunt him, arrest him, file false charges against him, imprison him, and violate his constitutional and civil rights. Hezekiah’s life is in danger, this is for certain.
When it is politically expedient for the Conway’s benefit, the Conways maxed out campaign contributions of $10,000.00 for Jack Conway’s campaign and also to Allison Lundergan Grimes in Hezekiah’s name. He was listed as having employment at Brooklawn, an employer which he never worked for. There are checks written for contributions that are not signed by Hezekiah to other candidates as well. Yet in the divorce records, his wife claims he never contributed anything financially to the family. Records of these contributions can be verified on the Federal Election Commission Contribution website.
This divorce has resulted in two African American Judges being removed from the bench, Honorable Judge Angela Johnson, and recently the Honorable Judge Denise Brown. This was done by the Conways. Their fear was that these Judges were going to favor Hezekiah, thus undermining their ability to be fair and follow the law. The Conways have compromised the court system and used their political power to remove certain judges for their benefit, to not settle the divorce fairly, and to keep their financial matters out of court records. It is court documented that Megan failed to disclose assets and omitted financial information in court testimony in Judge Denise Brown’s court.
Ironically, it seems to be just fine that the Conways have entitled relationships with the judges, attorneys, and prosecutors involved, but the moment a judge makes a justified ruling based upon the knowledge of the case in Hezekiah’s favor, they go into the “eliminate the Judge action". This recusal of two female African American Judges is a blatant, overt act of racism. The Conways are using their white privilege and political clout to control the judicial process and the court system, and to their benefit only.
Judge Denise Brown’s final order was entered on August 14, 2015. She ruled that there was NO domestic violence order against Hezekiah Boone. This was ruling was in reference to the third time a false domestic violence charge was filed against Hezekiah and the third time that there was no finding. In an effort to have Judge Brown removed as judge in the case, Megan Conway filed an appeal with the Kentucky Court of Appeals to review Judge Brown’s final Order. It makes one wonder what influence the Conways have and will use with the appellate court judge now chosen to hear the appeal.
Hezekiah was verbally abused often by Thomas Conway, Megan’s father, and was threatened by him as well. While on vacation at Hilton Head a few years back, Thomas Conway went on a verbal rant. He cursed Hezzie, called him lazy a "mother fucker", and a "nigger", and accused him of all kinds of insane things. Jack was on the phone and the family was present, yet, none of them said a word to stop the verbal abuse. Hezzie’s wife Megan never intervened to stop her father from talking to her husband that way. Hezzie was humiliated, intimidated, and frightened by his actions. The verbal abuse and intimidation continued throughout their marriage.
There have been several occasions in which threatening altercations took place, including, April of 2014, and Derby Day, May 2, 2015. On May 2, 2015, Hezzie attended the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs and the Conways were also present. Some of Megan’s friends saw Hezzie and started harassing him. They threw a drink on his suit. They went and told Thomas Conway and he requested that the Kentucky State Troopers have Hezzie thrown out of Churchill Downs. Thomas Conway threatened to kill Hezzie that day. He told him that he and Jack had enough power to have him murdered. He also said he could do it and get away with it. Thomas Conway told Hezzie “a nigger like you can’t do anything about it”.
Hezzie filed an incident report against Thomas Conway (case number: 80-15-032601) the following day at Louisville Metro Police Department. The description of the charge was listed as terroristic threatening third degree. There was no investigation from this incident report after it was filed. There was no court appearance, no mediation, and nothing transpired to resolve this matter. In fact this action that Hezzie took against Thomas Conway led to his third domestic violence charge that was filed against him by Megan. This is documented and filed in court records.
Matt Conway, Jack Conway’s brother, was just recently charged with assault after hitting a woman in the face with a closed fist, witnesses present. He was never arrested for the crime and was given special treatment, because he is the brother of the Attorney General. Matt Conway’s case ended with a conviction of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. Hezekiah has never laid a finger on anyone, nor has he ever hit or abused his wife in his 18 year relationship with Megan. He never had a DUI or any drug related charges. Yet, he is on a $55,000 bond and held in jail, because it benefits the Conways to keep him locked away like an animal in a cage.
Now ask yourself did Matt Conway get special treatment. This racist act of injustice is a wakeup call to all African Americans in Kentucky.(See Jason Riley’s article WDRB).
Hezekiah Boone was arrested on May 13, 2015, for stalking, 2 counts (felony charges) that would include stalking of his wife Megan Boone Conway and her sister Kelli Gordinier. Both sisters filed stalking charges against Hezzie, class A and class B misdemeanors, harassment, and burglary. These charges are false and bogus. Remember Megan earlier told Hezzie that she would make him look like a stalker. That is exactly what she did with the help of her sister and Detective Trinity Tillman. The news channel WLKY and WAVE aired stories of the arrest of Hezekiah Boone and never informed the public that he is Jack Conway’s brother- in-law.
Also, it was reported he had a GPS tracking system in his SUV. Hezekiah had just been hired by LYFT in late April. It is a transportation business similar to UBER. In court testimony by Detective Trinity Tillman on May 27, 2015, in court room 301, Judge Wilcox held a probable cause hearing. Tillman was questioned by attorney Mac Adams as to how he began working on the domestic violence case in November, 2014. Trinity Tillman testified that Jack Conway contacted an investigator by the name of George Stewart who then called him (Tillman) and Tillman then called Megan. They met and planned the domestic violence accusations and the charges were lodged against Hezzie. Megan never physically went downtown to file these charges and she never called the police as in the case of normal domestic violence incidents and how they are reported.
Incredibly, Tillman was asked by the Attorney General’s office to start building a case against Hezekiah Boone. This is what Tillman testified to in court. Trinity Tillman arrested Hezzie without a search warrant. Hezzie’s cell phone, a thumb drive, and a charger were removed from the residence of his mother without a warrant. The police entered her apartment and went into her bedroom and took these items which was an illegal seizure.
Hezekiah was held in jail on an excessive high bond and Judge Wilcox refused to drop the felony stalking charge. She moved the case forward to the grand jury without Hezekiah having access to an attorney. Hezzie appeared in Judge Wilcox court three times, June 29, June 30, and July 9, 2015, without legal representation. He filed a motion requesting a public defender, but instead he was lied to by Judge Wilcox as to why he could not get appointed a public defender. His due process was denied by Judge Wilcox. The public defender’s office was contacted and Nathaniel Miller who was to represent Hezekiah stated he was present in Judge Wilcox court on the days in question and he does not know why Hezekiah was told that by the Judge. Hezekiah remained in jail from May 13 to July 17, 2015, without an attorney. The Judge never followed court procedure to ensure that Hezekiah had proper legal counsel.
Hezekiah had been able to post a full cash bond of $10,000.00 on July 17, 2015, and he was released from jail. On Sunday July 19, 2015, Hezekiah and his mother were coming home from church. At the same time, Kelli Gordinier reported that she had seen Hezekiah in his neighborhood and that he made a turn on Cherokee Road and chased her for two miles. This incident never happened. Hezekiah’s mother is willing to testify in court that this incident was fabricated. Another false police report was filed against him. Kelli Gordinier states that she was at Keith’s Hardware store located at 1201 Bardstown Road. She was waiting for her husband, Henry Gordinier, who was in the store. Kelli filed the false police report with Detective Trinity Tillman.
Unbelievably, the police report does not even specify the time of day this incident occurred. Hezekiah was being watched and under surveillance by the police up until the day of July 23, 2015, when he was getting in his car. Three law enforcement vehicles blocked him in and pulled him out of his car with guns pointed at him. They placed him under arrest again. Once again, an excessive high bond was set on Hezekiah by the courts. He was charged with violating an EPO/DVO against a witness. This was done to keep Hezekiah in jail and the bond money previously posted would be forfeited by the court.
The fact that Kelli Gordinier who is the sister of Jack Conway filed this report with Trinity Tillman shows that the Conways had obviously orchestrated this to keep Hezekiah incarcerated. They have placed a financial burden on the people that helped raise the bond money. The money had been generously donated by church friends and now they would suffer the financial loss. This new charge against Hezzie was another lie and false arrest that was perpetuated against him. Not to mention, that he could have been killed when the police drew guns on him.
This act of unnecessary police abuse was carried out by the Viper unit. They sent all black officers to arrest Hezzie with guns drawn on him. If by chance he made a wrong move, they would have killed him, thus avoiding a scenario of a white officer killing yet another black man. Hezekiah was brought back before Judge Eckerle and she told him she was unaware of the pending charges he had in Judge Wilcox court. She then placed the excessive high bond to keep him incarcerated. Hezekiah disputes what Judge Eckerle told him because she had lowered his bond previously to $10,000; therefore, she did know of his charges.
While he was in holding waiting to go before Judge Eckerle, he read the list of charges that he was being falsely accused of that day. If Hezekiah knew what his charges were, how is it that Judge Eckerle did now know? This was yet another deceitful act that was perpetuated against Hezekiah. Once he was able to post bond the first time and get out of jail, he was followed. When he crossed paths with Kelli Gordinier, she then conspired with Trinity Tillman to file yet another false police report in order to have Hezekiah rearrested with more bogus charges. This would insure that he would be returned to jail, thus stalling the court process. The Conways have successfully incarcerated Hezekiah for months while they continue to manipulate the system.
Hezekiah went before Judge Eckerle’s court in July a few days after appearing in Judge Wilcox’s court. He was there to have the Judge address the charges falsely filed against him. Judge Eckerle did not address Hezekiah at all. She gave him a new court date of August 5, 2015. He appeared in court with a stand in person from the public defender’s office. That person did not say anything to the Judge. Hezekiah realized that something was not right about what took place in court that day. He made a call to the public defender’s office, and was told that he had a new bond amount. He was also told that was facing additional charges.
Hezekiah still remains in jail on an excessive high bond of $55,000.00. He has been placed on the floors of the Metro Corrections unit with the worst offenders in the system. He has had no previous arrests, nor any previous police record, up until the Conway’s ordered and charged him falsely and repeatedly. The Judges are slowly hearing Hezekiah Boone’s case by setting the court dates back in an effort to keep Hezekiah imprisoned. The high profile divorce and the criminal case are kept silent by not bringing any attention to the Conway’s and is interfering with the judicial process that allows their flagrant abuses to bolster their political agendas.
September 10, 2015, during another court date, Nathan Ray Batey, the Assistant Commonwealth Attorney was present. Hezzie was offered to plead guilty to all charges. Hezekiah did not plead guilty and did not accept any offer that was presented to him on the plea, because he is NOT GUILTY of the charges that have been filed against him.
Hezekiah knows for certain that he has been falsely accused. He has the support of his family and friends. We all know he is not guilty.
His civil and constitutional rights have been violated in the worst possible way. His freedom has been taken, he has lost his family, his home, and he has no money. He has been publically humiliated, harassed, and mentally tortured. He has been lied to and stripped of his right to live in peace without fear of being hunted and stalked by Detective Trinity Tillman.
Out of all that has been taken from Hezekiah, his FAITH has not faltered. He knows without a doubt that truth and justice must prevail. Hezekiah Boone did not and does not deserve this inhumane treatment from the Conways and the Justice System. This travesty of justice must be recognized and it must cease, and IT MUST BE NOW! The public has a right to know about the corruption, political privilege, and the abuse of power by accessing the use of the Justice System and the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the benefit of the Conways and their personal and political agenda.
In closing the following organizations and agencies listed have been contacted in an effort to bring justice to Hezekiah Boone: The Department of Justice, United States Attorney General’s Office, Loretta Lynch, Mayor Fischer, Chief of Police of the LMPD, Local and National Chapters of NAACP, ACLU, Kentucky Registry of Election Finance; Emily Dennis, Kentucky Bar Association, National Action Network, Tom Joyner Morning Show, and Local Louisville Ministers.
Thank you
Facebook page for Hezzie: JUSTICE FOR HEZEKIAH BOONE