MAFA-KY (the Make Americans Free Again Kentucky chapter) fights medical tyranny state-wide and nationally. Kentucky Stands Up supports these efforts with weekly, KY-specific news on medical tyranny and our fight for liberty in all areas of private and public life.
Dear Friends,
It’s almost Thursday!!! Please join us at the Lexington meeting this Thursday night! (Details here.) We find so much hope and support at our meetings, we are grateful to have you in our tribe! Join us in person and bring a friend, let’s keep building, there’s work to do yet!!
HUGE: We Won
Update on the WHO’s attempt to take over the world. James Roguski is on top of this, brilliant.
Reminder: use cash.
CAF says if only 10% of us do it, we can break the matrix. More ideas on that here.
HUGE2: David Martin’s Master Plan
Watch 12 minutes that are SO worth your time!
Two “County Over Country” watchers, Karen & Judy, attended the 5/23/22 Fayette County School Board Meeting and share the following recap:
There was a progress report by the Safe Schools specialist and the school police officer. They collect a lot of data about students. They referred to that about 5 or 6 times in their report. Specifically regarding students’ Mental Health.
They mentioned that parents sign a proxy statement to communicate privileged info between professionals and the school.
They collect data on LGBTW, etc, and called them marginalized, asking for help through school professionals.
There was a presentation on the Tates Creek HS construction that came to $70 million.
There were remarks by 4 Citizens:
One was a Food Service employee stating that maintaining staff levels is a problem and moral is low.
Old Chuck Eddy all masked up spoke in favor of Pay raises for staff.
A teacher speaking on behalf of the union asking for Pay raises.
A teacher and Attorney (masked up) spoke about staffing shortages, Covid mental health needs and asking for a raise.
Then they got down to the Actions items on the agenda. From my observation, the agenda had to be pre-approved because there was no discussion and all items were approved 5-0.
They removed the 2022-2023 Salary schedule from the agenda because they were awaiting more information from a “Study” on salaries.
They approved the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. This plan has lots of “WEF” terms in it like “Stakeholder Engagement” and “outreach”. Plus Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and “belonging”. In other words, they are working hard to brainwash the next generation into believing the WEF garbage.
There is so much corruption going on in this school system it would take a year or more to log it all.
Let’s start with the Budget: they had a $46 million dollar excess in their budget from FY 2022 over FY 2021. They had a $33 million dollar decrease in expenses in FY2022 over FY 2021.
The ESSER $$ Elementary& Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund:
For the period 3/2020 – 9/30/22 they received $11,115,823 million dollars and spent all of it.
For the period 1/5/21 – 9/30/23 they received $48,045,558 million dollars and have spent 70% of it.
For the period 3/24/21 – 9/24/24 they received $97,622,914 million dolars and have only spent 4% of it.
So they will have to do whatever the FEDs tell them to do.
From last month’s agenda I did a little research into what they approved:
Passed a motion to approve a contract with SAVVAS Learning to provide training on the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol for Bryan Station Middle School. This is an Instruction Model that addresses the needs of English learners. It’s a framework for Teachers as they design and deliver lessons that make content comprehensible. In other words, the teachers can’t teach students that do not speak English.
They also passed a motion to approve a contract with Kagan Profession Development to provide training and coaching in multiple Fayette Co schools. ($200,000). This is a Cooperative Learning concept, student groups of 4 come up with answers to class questions (so no one is wrong). Kagan believes traditional classroom instruction pits students against each other. Specifically, when one student answers a question incorrectly other students are secretly happy because that means they have a chance of recognition.
Rand Paul gets the message loud and clear: Elitists Want A One World Government; It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory
Biden Admin says K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money
Looking for Liberty Lawyers
MAFA KY member Patrick Peterson is heading up a charge to collect names of lawyers willing to help us with legal issues like a state court filing, negotiating a bond amount, or navigating issues related to a state election count/recount. Do you have a name to suggest? Hit reply and let us know, we will follow up!
County Over Country: Keeping an Eye on our Representatives
Surveillance makes politicians squirm. MAFA KY is setting up a “County Over Country” watchdog initiative. From the smallest, most rural KY towns to the largest counties, these guys and gals need to be monitored. Complete details are here!
KY Liberty Events
NKY TEA Party Monthly Meeting — VENUE CHANGE — Wednesday, June 1, 6-8 pm at PeeWee’s Place, Crescent Springs. Dinner & Discussion with Senator John Schickel and Representative Savannah Maddox!
Check the calendar to see other local events and to add yours!
Liberty Connections
BUSINESS/SERVICE: Add your business/service to our Biz Connect list here: (When you need a biz/service, see the results here:
HEALTH PROS: Add yourself or your favorite liberty-minded healer (doctors, nurses, chiros, health/fitness coaches, dentists, etc) to this list: (results are at
No one is coming.
We need names on the MAFA email list. Ask 2 people to subscribe to Be direct or gentle, JUST DO IT because that’s whose coming.
If you are new around here, WELCOME! Help us build our community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can, bring a friend, then come again. Meeting details are here.
Take heart!!! WE are in charge of the Reset. WE are bringing it back better. WE are designing the New Normal. Join us.