KSU This Week!
Dear Liberty Friends,
Hope to see you TODAY Thursday in Frankfort (details below) and/or tonight at the Lexington meeting!
If you got here via MAFA, you can read up on our mission here. If you got here via liberty friends, please join our mafa-ky.com list, too (just click “join us”, no emails are sent from that list :)
No matter how you got here, WELCOME! Help us build our liberty community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can. Meeting details are here.
Lots to share, as usual, let’s get to it!
HB 28 Protest TODAY Thursday 1:15 — Red in the Rotunda!
HB28 would stop the vaccine passport AND vaccine mandates in Kentucky. The bill is currently sitting in the Committee on Committees and House Leadership refuses to move the bill.
This protest is to demand that Leadership move the bill. Please join us, bring a sign and wear something red to show unity.
Andrew Cooperrider Town Hall Sat 2/26
Bring your questions & support!
Support Your Liberty Candidates
Every dollar makes a huge difference, PLUS it lets them know we are behind them no matter how much the donation is. #replacingRINOs is where change happens!
Save the Date: Big Fun on Friday 2/18
You’re invited to our second Kentucky Stands Up social, and we have decided to have a guest speaker, Lee Watts. When you RSVP, we’ll send food suggestions : ) Water & coffee provided, BYOB with your choice of beverage.
True conservative constitutionally-minded Republican Lee Watts is running for Congress 2nd District to replace RINO Brett Guthrie, y’all.
Brett is not only a RINO, he has received significant donations to his campaign from the pharmaceutical industry and the Chamber of Commerce. Details here.
We are lucky in Kentucky to have True Conservative Lee Watts running for his seat! Come enjoy a KSU social on Feb 18th, hang out with old friends and make new friends with Lee Watts.
PS. Please RSVP to Carrie and to us. Just hit reply and copy carriedcox@gmail.com!
Kentucky Liberty Events
CONSTITUTION BOOT CAMP — Join us Saturday March 5, 2022! Details here.
Northern KY TEA — Next meeting is April 6. Dr. Douglass Frank is our featured speaker. Venue details TBA.
Lee Watts Campaign Event — March 19 @ 6-8pm at Beans Cafe, 21 Taft Hwy, Dry Ridge, KY. Coffee and desserts served.
Thomas Massie Campaign Event — March 26 @ 6-8pm at Beans Cafe, 21 Taft Hwy, Dry Ridge, KY. Coffee and desserts served
One of the most impactful and freedom-saving things we can do is USE CASH. Not just on Fridays but everyday. Allowing government to rid us of our cash would slam dunk us into slavery more quickly than any other action besides outright violence.
Add your business/service to our Biz Connect list here: bit.ly/mafabizform
When you need a biz/service, see the results list here: bit.ly/mafabiz
Add you favorite liberty-minded healer (doctors, nurses, chiros, health/fitness coaches, dentists, etc) to this list: bit.ly/mafahealform (results are at bit.ly/mafaheal)
Do One More Thing… Recruit ANOTHER person to MAFA-ky.com!
This community means the world to us as we know it does to you, too. We are so grateful for finding this tribe, looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting!
YOU are the hero we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for all you do for liberty!!!