Legislative Alert: Stop SB 167 Agenda 21 - Call Before 9am
Take Back Kentucky has asked us to leave 3 messages for this legislative alert to OPPOSE SB 167. We have until 9AM TODAY Wed 3/19/14 to call before it moves forward.
Message 1
For: ALL Senate Transportation Committee Members, ALL Senate Leadership, and YOUR Senator.
"Oppose SB 167, this is Agenda 21 in disguise. It is the furtherance of regionalization, which is a main component of Agenda 21."
Message 2
For: bill sponsor Senator Ernie Harris -- he's on our side on this issue, he just needs to be educated.
"Please reconsider your sponsorship of SB 167. I know you oppose Agenda 21. While this bill may have been presented to you something needed and benign, it actually furthers Agenda 21 which you voted to oppose on SB 31 earlier this session."
Message 3
For House State Government Committee, ALL House Leadership, and YOUR Representative
"Please give SB 31, the Anti-Agenda 21 bill a hearing to begin the discussion, especially for those in the legislature that don't understand it."
Legislative Hotline: 800-372-7181 | TTY 800-396-0305 Mon-Thu 7 am-11 pm | Fri 7 am-6 pm
You can leave all 3 messages with one phone call. When you call the hotline, you will speak to a human operator who will take your name and address. The operator can tell you who your rep is based on your address.
SB 167 Explanation
This bill is a little hard to explain because Agenda 21 is designed to be just that. On its face, the bill does not look bad. In fact, it doesn't really give a lot of detail. That is what is desired for an Agenda 21 bill.
Basically, this bill creates a board of elected officials and other individuals for the purpose of analyzing, prioritizing, and coordinating input on the Kentucky State Highway Plan and improvement plan.
All the sounds pretty innocent and probably needed; HOWEVER, Agenda 21 will morph this into something different. All kinds of regional boards are created for the sole purpose of offering "suggestions" to state and local governments on what kind of "improvements" could be made. The problem is these "suggestions" and "improvements" are meant to further Agenda 21 and do.
Agenda 21 is the creation of Economic, Social, and Environmental (this is where transportation ties in*) "Equality" through "Sustainability" For a real quick crash course in Agenda 21, CLICK HERE.
Regionalized Planning
For an article that explains this sort of Regionalized Planning CLICK HERE.
In Kentucky we have something called "Area Development Districts" which work similar to the COGs mentioned in the article.
Here is a link to Kentucky's ADDs. After reviewing the previous Agenda 21 info, you will see similar language throughout KY's ADDs page.
Here is some information from the UN on Transportation Sustainability. It all sounds nice and good... kinda. However, the UN is an organization created for foreign affairs. Yet it's now dabbling in and rendering options and plans on internal affairs of countries, right down to specific things like transportation.
Thank You for Standing Up for Kentucky
We have thrown a lot of information at you on a very complex subject matter, but we hope you will take careful consideration and take action against it.
The sponsor of the bill actually supports getting rid of Agenda 21 by voting for SB 31 which would do just that. SB31 passed the Senate and is now stuck in the House State Government Committee.
The problem with Agenda 21, as we mentioned earlier, is that even people opposed to it often do not fully understand its reach and impact, and are often approached to sponsor a rather benign sounding bill like this. Because of the nature of Agenda 21 legislation, unless one is completely educated and familiar with the agenda, it's very difficult to know or see the consequences such sneaky legislation will have later on.
NOTE: The article from Michael Shaw about regionalization mentions Public Private Partnerships (P3s) and, unfortunately, the House passed HB 407 (KY's P3 Bill) which is an Agenda 21 component bill. That bill has been sent to the Senate but not yet assigned to a committee. We need to keep a vigilant eye and be ready for this bill when it is.