Liberty News & Questions
Dear Liberty Friends,
Hope to see you at the Lexington meeting Thursday night 3/24! (Details here.)
If you got here via MAFA, read up on our mission here.
If you got here via liberty friends or Ky Free Press, please join our list, too (just click “join us”, no newsletters are sent from that list :)
No matter how you got here, WELCOME! Help us build our liberty community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can. Meeting details are here.
Lots to share, as usual, let’s get to it!
What is “MAFA”?
If your friends have questions about MAFA, what it is, why we are working so hard to build our list, then send them to our new MAFA Beginner’s Link. Hover to see the link, right click to copy.
And what’s with Senator Alvarado???
Alvarado appears to be all in for vax passports and mandates, and 100% against vax exemptions. Could he really be against freedom? Talk about a RINO. He’s a doctor, so that could explain it. Does he really think he knows what’s best for ALL of Kentucky’s humans?
His tyrannical actions this session:
He’s the chair of the committee that has a death grip on HB 28. HB 28 is Rep. Savannah Maddox’ bill to do away with vax passports and mandates. So far, Alvarado refuses to bring the bill up for discussion and vote. It will die there.
He added a statewide smoking ban to SB 93 (vax exemptions) to effectively kill that bill.
ACTION STEP: The only way to stop him is to scare him and/or remove him. We need names on our list to do that. Who do you know in his district to invite to MAFA? He’s in charge of (or so he believes) Bath, Clark, Fayette (Part), Menifee, & Montgomery counties.
What kind of society do we want?
“It is time to cut through the underbrush of detail and face up to the basic question in this issue of state help versus self-help. What kind of society do we want? One of independent self-reliant citizens, prepared to take care of themselves and their families, asking from the state only to leave them alone and get off their backs? Or a society of government pensioners, willing to sign away their political and economic liberty in exchange for ever bigger handouts? Which is the more desirable type of citizen -- the chronic recipient of relief or the sturdy hardworking Amish farmer who had his horses confiscated and sold by order of some local bureaucrat because he wanted to contract out of both the benefits and the payments involved in the social security system?" – William Henry Chamberlin (1897-1969)
Two Sites: One for MAFA, One for KY Liberty!
We are building the Scare-the-Legislators list at — that’s the link to share with your liberty-minded friends. We send ONE confirmation email when people sign up. Otherwise, they will not receive any other emails from the MAFA list.
In their one confirmation email, new MAFA-KY members are invited to join our KSU newsletter and most people do. Some don’t, totally up to them.
We are building our KY liberty community with our KyStandsUp email list and that is where your newsletters come from.
KSU subscribers also get a confirmation email that explains that they will receive a weekly newsletter and meeting reminder. Since there are often random subscribers, there is also an invite to join MAFA-KY.
★ Pushback, Pay Cash, Resist the Digital ID ★
Worth reading again. Share with your liberty-minded friends!
Vax passports may be dead, but turns out they were a red herring anyway. The REAL AGENDA is a social credit system via obedience passports & digital IDs. These are being introduced as we speak. More on this at Thursday’s meeting!
Building parallel societies is more important than ever.
The simplest and one of the most important actions we can take is to use cash for every purchase. If we allow cash to disappear, we lose complete control of our money.
It’s time to use cash for all your purchases and walk away from any vendor that tells you they won’t accept cash or claims there is a coin shortage. If you can’t walk away yet, at least tell the vendor that you are actively searching for other options for the things you need. Then do it :)
We’re into doing the hard stuff for liberty. Humans worldwide are addicted to convenience. Time to break the habit.
Excellent tutorial on parallel societies here.
KY Liberty Events
Restore the VOTE is BACK with Senator Adrienne Southworth, Cyber Security Expert Steve Knipper, & Grassroots Coordinator Jon Schrock. Next event is 3/31 in Frankfort with several other locations planned. Check the website here for upcoming dates and locations!
Lee Watts Campaign Event — THIS SATURDAY March 26 @ 6-8pm at Beans Cafe, 21 Taft Hwy, Dry Ridge, KY. Coffee and desserts served
Willisburg MAFA Meeting Sunday April 3rd 2-4pm, click here for details!
Northern KY TEA — Next meeting is April 6th, 6pm at Erlanger Branch, Kenton County Library, Ann Room. Nationally-renowned Election Integrity technical expert, Dr. Douglas Frank, returns! If you missed Dr. Frank's spellbinding presentation last summer, you won't want to miss this presentation. Come early for the latest developments in Election Integrity!
OTHER LIBERTY CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISERS Click here to see, join the party & donate.
Cultural Christians Civil Action meeting — Sun April 10 @ 3-5pm at Beans Cafe, 21 Taft Hwy, Dry Ridge, KY. Topic: Local Politics (speakers: Chet Hand, Pastor Michael Foster)
Check the calendar to see other local events and to add yours!
Judge Rules 11-Year-Olds Can’t Get Vaccines Without Parents’ Consent
The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on March 18 granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting the mayor of the District of Columbia, the D.C. Department of Health and D.C. public schools from enforcing a law allowing children 11 and older to be vaccinated without parental consent.
Click here for 2022 LIBERTY Candidates so far. Do you have names to add? Hit reply, let us know!
Announcing a CONTEST for most MAFA sign-ups every month. Winner to be announced the last Thursday of each month.
Liberty Connections
BUSINESS/SERVICE: Add your business/service to our Biz Connect list here: (When you need a biz/service, see the results here:
HEALTH PROS: Add yourself or your favorite liberty-minded healer (doctors, nurses, chiros, health/fitness coaches, dentists, etc) to this list: (results are at
You’ll see a few Ky Stands Up logo T-shirts for sale at this week’s meeting, at the concession stand :)
How you can support KY Stands Up
Upgrade your Substack subscription from free to $5/month or $60/year.
Hand Kathy a wad of cash, check or jewels :)
Buy snacks & stuff from the awesome concession stand!
If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Nothing will happen until legislators are afraid of us. We need numbers to scare legislators like Alvarado. Numbers. Not warm bodies, not a million emails, phone calls or letters. Numbers. Send a text or email to 10 people asking them to subscribe to
Example invite courtesy of Karen Goss:
Hi Jane! I hope this email finds you and your family doing well. We are doing great, keeping busy fighting against tyranny!!
Will you do me a favor and join our list: Just click the red "Join Us" button. (You will get ONE confirmation email, nothing else.) MAFA stands for Make Americans Free Again.
We want things back to normal, but our legislators appear to like the additional power & control this emergency handed them. If you can help build this list of KY voters, we can effectively take our power back.
Also, please pass this info along to other like minded friends and family.
Thanks so much!!
This community means the world to us as we know it does to you, too. We are so grateful for your help joining & building this tribe!! Looking forward to seeing you ALL at the next meeting!
YOU are the hero we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for all you do for liberty!!!