If you are a KY Free Press subscriber, we are now KY Stands Up, still writing & working for liberty, of course! Details here.
Dear Liberty Friends,
Hope to see you at the Lexington meeting tomorrow night, THU 3/10! (Details here.)
If you got here via MAFA, you can read up on our mission here. If you got here via liberty friends or Ky Free Press, please join our mafa-ky.com list, too (just click “join us”, no newsletters are sent from that list :)
No matter how you got here, WELCOME! Help us build our liberty community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can. Meeting details are here.
Lots to share, as usual, let’s get to it!
2022 Candidates (so far)
Click here to see. Hit reply if you have more info and/or names to add! To help, please look up any candidate without a link, gather some info and send to me — thanks!
Want Fair Elections? We need YOU!
We need knowledgeable, Republican poll workers who care about election integrity for the May 17th primary, especially for early voting (THU 5/12, FRI 5/13, SAT 5/14).
Just send your name, address, email, phone# and voting precinct to your local Republican Party chairman.
Find your voting precinct here: https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/vic/
Find your local party chair: http://rpk.org/local-gop/
I just did this, it took 10 seconds to look up the info, 10 more to send the email: “Dear GOP Chair, Please submit my name to be a poll worker for the 5/17 Primary and early voting days 5/12, 5/13, 5/14. I’m in precinct [YOUR PRECINCT]. My full name, address, email & phone are below. Thank you!”
County chairs submit UP TO FOUR REPUBLICAN NAMES PER PRECINCT. If we do NOT submit names, the Clerk fills the slots, no obligation to find Republicans. BONUS: You are paid for each day you work and for training.
CLICK NOW: the deadline is this Tuesday March 15th!
Cultural Christians: People’s Convoy Rally!
We had a huge response of donations, volunteers and people show up for the people’s convoy rally last Saturday!!! Huge thank you to all who participated. We were extremely disappointed that no truckers came to the rally, BUT it was a great day with great speakers and a big turnout of 300-400 participants. Money, kids cards, donations and meat patties where taken up to IN and the truckers were blown away with everything we gave!
Parallel vs. Totalitarianism
How to create a free world (transcript available in description)
★ Pay Cash ★
Not just for vaccines anymore, Obedience passports & digital IDs are being introduced as we speak. Mercola just wrote about it here! Use cash and practice non-compliance any place that tells you it won’t accept cash or is out of coin for change. Remember, stores save $$ in CC fees when you pay cash!
KY Liberty Events
Thomas Massie Campaign Event — Sat March 19 @ 6-8pm at Beans Cafe, 21 Taft Hwy, Dry Ridge, KY. Coffee and desserts served.
Lee Watts Campaign Event — Sat March 26 @ 6-8pm at Beans Cafe, 21 Taft Hwy, Dry Ridge, KY. Coffee and desserts served
Northern KY TEA — Next meeting is April 6th, 6pm at Erlanger Branch, Kenton County Library, Ann Room. Nationally-renowned Election Integrity technical expert, Dr. Douglas Frank, returns! If you missed Dr. Frank's spellbinding presentation last summer, you won't want to miss this presentation. Come early for the latest developments in Election Integrity!
Cultural Christians Civil Action meeting — Sun April 10 @ 3-5pm at Beans Cafe, 21 Taft Hwy, Dry Ridge, KY. Topic: Local Politics (speakers: Chet Hand, Pastor Michael Foster)
Check the freedomfight.us calendar to see other local events and to add yours!
Add your business/service to our Biz Connect list here: bit.ly/mafabizform
When you need a biz/service, see the results list here: bit.ly/mafabiz
Add your favorite liberty-minded healer (doctors, nurses, chiros, health/fitness coaches, dentists, etc) to this list: bit.ly/mafahealform (results are at bit.ly/mafaheal)
How you can support KY Stands Up
Upgrade your Substack subscription to $5/month or $60/year. BONUS: This allows you to QUIT PAYPAL!
Hand Kathy a wad of cash, check or jewels :)
Buy snacks from the awesome concession stand!
Do One More Thing
Send a text or email to 10 people asking them to subscribe to MAFA-ky.com!
Example invite: “Hi Jane! Will you help put KY citizens back in charge? Join our list at mafa-ky.com, click Join Us. You can help build this list of KY voters so we can effectively take our power back!”
This community means the world to us as we know it does to you, too. We are so grateful for your help joining & building this tribe!! Looking forward to seeing you ALL at the next meeting!
YOU are the hero we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for all you do for liberty!!!