Dear Friend,
See you tonight, Thursday April 27th, for our regular weekly meeting. Come at 6 PM to chat & snack, the meeting starts at 6:30 PM sharp! Everyone is welcome at meetings so bring your friends, your kids, your parents, and your friend’s parents — we’d love to meet them all. Keep connecting, there’s SO MUCH to do. Meeting details are here.
★ ★ Save the Date for our “We Are Ready” potluck picnic on Saturday May 20th from 11 AM to 3 PM — Location TBA (in Lexington)! ★ ★
PostCard Party Power Hour
Join us before the meeting from 5-6 PM and address Andrew postcards! If you have postcards at home, please bring them all to the meeting so Judy can get a good assessment of where we are with them!!!
FOUR Confirmed Liberty Candidates in the Primary
Andrew Cooperrider for State Treasurer donate
Stephen Knipper for Secretary of State donate
Jacob Clark for Governor donate
Derek Pettys for State Auditor donate
If you truly want liberty — a treasurer who will only sign checks for constitutional spending, an SoS who will ensure honest elections, a governor who stands for the Constitution, an auditor who will find & fix the problems in the budget — step up to the plate NOW. Liberty in KY needs our FINANCIAL support:
ICLEI & 15 Minute Cities in Kentucky
HEAD’S UP! We need a plan to drive ICLEI (International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives) out of Lexington! This is the outfit implementing 15 minute cities, turning farms into solar farms and a lot more evil. Who wants to take this on? Build a committee and make a plan to DRIVE THEM OUT!
3 Videos for the Newly Curious
Naomi Wolf. Dr. Wolf is an internationally famous author, feminist, speaker and Democrat. The backstory: Pfizer was ordered (by a judge in a lawsuit) to release all documents regarding its clinical trials to determine safety and efficacy of its Covid vaccine. Pfizer responded by requesting that the documents not be released for 75 years. Judge said “no, release it now, you can do 50,000 pages a month.”
Dr. Wolf got 3,500 expert volunteers — doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, virologists, vaccinologists, statisticians, scientists, etc. — to analyze the documents. In the video below, she outlines a few of the lies and horrific side effects uncovered, all of which are detailed in her book (link at bottom).
Watch Dr. Wolf’s speech on Rumble here — I listened to it at 1.75 speed and understood every word. If you are not shocked by Pfizer’s lies and evil doing, you must not be breathing.
Edward Dowd. Dowd is a former Blackrock financial advisor, author, and famous for being a strict numbers guy. Here he’s being interviewed by Tucker Carlson on WHY the sudden spike in deaths among healthy young men. Listen here. I listened at 1.5 speed.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. famous for his decades of environmental lawsuits, particularly when it comes to children's health, and now Democratic candidate for President. In this short video, he explains his path from vaccine enthusiast to vaccine doubter. Click here for RFK, Jr.'s full Hillsdale speech.
SAVE the Date for Who’s That Candidate & Dr. Frank!
Who’s that Candidate Presents “Voices for Liberty” on May 27, 2023 from 10am -5pm. Alpha Training Center, 4050 Georgetown Road; Lexington. Click here to RSVP.
MAFA/KSU Initiatives
Click here to join the KSU MeWe group and keep the conversation going!
CASH = Freedom What can you do to stop the CBDC? Click here — Corey Digs & CAF have got you covered!
Homeschooling in KY? Find out about Learning Pods here.
Danville Meeting is ON ❣ Click here for details!
KFIC (Ky Food Independence Club) has weekly raw milk & real food drops in Morehead, Winchester, 2 in Lexington, Georgetown & Dry Ridge (at Bean’s Cafe). Opening soon in Bardstown & Richmond. There are also food clubs in Ashland, Louisville & southern Ohio. Support your local farmers so they are here when Kroger ain’t :) Go here for details.
Take heart: YOU are defining the better way.
If you are new around here, WELCOME! Help us build our community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can, bring a friend, then come again. The meeting details are here.
About MAFA-KY (KY chapter of Make Americans Free Again): we fight medical tyranny state-wide and nationally. KY Stands Up supports these efforts with weekly, KY-specific news on medical tyranny and our fight for liberty in all areas of private and public life.