Major Liberty Victories: The Botany Bay Lives to Fight Another Day!
Last year about this time, Tucker Richardson and won a victory for long-time Kentucky liberty advocate Ginny Saville. It was a very good day. We reprint her letter here - Happy Anniversary, Ginny!
By the way, The Botany Bay has a new location at 420 E. New Circle Road. Ginny is a good friend to KFP, please stop in and buy something cool!
In August 2012, The Botany Bay was raided by the Lexington police department. You can read details of the raid here and watch the raid on youtube here. It was not a pretty sight and it was the second raid in less than 18 months.
With Tucker's help, the ensuing legal battle was fought long and courageously by Ginny Saville, the Bay's owner, a widow and single mom. She won several major victories along the way, the most significant being that she got 99% of the merchandise and equipment taken from her shop back from the police!
Finally, last Tuesday, Ginny put this chapter to rest, ready to move on. Here's her letter to supporters:
My dear friends,
I am pleased to announce that today, The Botany Bay crew put an end to this ridiculous witch-hunt by paying a small fine.
Today's decision is not an admission of guilt, but an economic decision. Instead of using our extra money in this battle, we will give more to issues that more directly affect us all instead.
The plea agreement to end this current action in no way diminishes my devotion to the principles of freedom or my appreciation for your support during this great "trial." In fact, I've come through this fight and endured the gestapo tactics of the Lexington Police to emerge stronger than ever before. For at least a part of that, I have you to thank for sticking by me.
We have enjoyed some awesome victories in the last year in our quest for justice. We had close to $200,000 in property returned to us that should have never been taken in the first place, we got some fair media attention, and business is better than ever!
With all the excess inventory, we decided to expand the shop and added 340 sf of new space for your enjoyment, and more changes are still coming! The media attention has brought us droves of new customers, too!
I report my sales to the state monthly, so come in during the month of August and show us some love. Let's show with the power of our commerce that we are a part of the success of our community, and that we will stand by one another.
Special thanks to my attorney Tucker Richardson, to Judge Wilkie for his fairness, and to the Liberty activists in Lexington who came to court with us time and again. Vote with your dollars.
Much Love, Ginny Saville Benevolent Dictator And all of The Botany Bay crew!
The Botany Bay 932 Winchester Road Lexington, KY 40505 M-F 11-7, Sun 12-6