Next Meeting: July 18th Guest Presenter
ER Doctor & CEO Chair, Dr. Thomas Davis, and Coordinator of Kentucky's School Choice Coalition, Caleb Brown, Talk About School Choice Reform and the Constitutional Amendment on November's Ballot
Dear MAFA community!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone for our 3rd Thursday meeting on Thursday, July 18th with special guest presenters Dr. Thomas Davis of Commonwealth Educational Opportunities and Caleb Brown of Kentucky’s School Choice Coalition. See below for details.
In the meantime, here is what’s coming next . . .
• No Potluck on Thursday, July 4th
• Thursday July 18th: Presenters Dr. Thomas Davis of CEO and Caleb Brown
• 1st Thursday LTKY Potluck: Oxbow Meats Spotlight on Thursday, August 1st
• 4th Thursday: August 22nd presenter Barry Saturday on Jan 6 & SCOTUS
Join us to Learn from Dr. Thomas Davis and Caleb Brown About School Choice & the Constitutional Amendment on the Ballot in November
Dr. Thomas Davis is a full-time, practicing emergency medicine physician who graduated with honors from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Thomas founded and launched Com
monwealth Educational Opportunities around the exact same time that COVID-19 was launched from China. In order to protect children and their education, Thomas unabashedly called out the awful science behind the COVID mandates.
As a result, Thomas was publicly attacked in the Courier-Journal by a sitting Kentucky legislator who called for Thomas to lose his medical license. In the end, Thomas is proud to have kept his job longer than that legislator who was ultimately voted out of office.
Today, Thomas is a leading voice for bringing educational freedom to Kentucky. Through his campaign work, he has helped remove multiple incumbents and defended some of Kentucky's best liberty warriors from attacks from the establishment class.
He is inspired every day to reform education by his wife - the best early childhood teacher he knows - and his three daughters. Thomas and his wife Jillian look forward to welcoming their fourth child sometime towards the end of this calendar year.
Thomas will provide an overview of the current state of education in Kentucky. In doing so, he will make the financial, academic, and moral case for school choice. You will learn how to respond to common myths and misunderstandings about school choice in order to better advocate for educational freedom with the goal of Kentucky voters' ratifying Amendment 2 this November.
Caleb O. Brown is a parent volunteer and coordinator of Kentucky’s school choice coalition. He and his wife have three children and live in Shelbyville, Kentucky. Caleb is a regular speaker to groups seeking to better understand the moral case for school choice.
Event: School Choice on the Ballot with CEO Chair Dr. Thomas Davis and Caleb Brown of Kentucky’s School Choice Coalition.
Date: Thursday, July 18th, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. meet & greet; 6:30 p.m. Meeting; Announcements; 6 :45 p.m. presentation
Location: 4974 Old Versailles Rd., Lexington, Kentucky
July & August Meeting Schedule
• No Potluck on Thursday, July 4th: If anyone would like to host an Independence Day gathering for our community anytime over the holiday weekend, we would be happy to help you spread the word. Happy Independence Day to all, and thank you for helping to defend our republic!
• Thursday July 18th: Presenters Dr. Thomas Davis of CEO and Caleb Brown
• Thursday, August 1st: 1st Thursday Let’s Trade Kentucky Potluck & Networking with a spotlight on Oxbow Meats from MAFA member Josh Westfall. Learn how you can support this new family enterprise, a USDA meat processor right in Lawrenceburg. They need us, and we need them!
• Thursday, August 22nd: 4th Thursday Presenter. August has five Thursdays. Due to travel conflicts, we will meet on the 4th (rather than 3rd) Thursday on August 22nd to hear from Barry Saturday with an update on his case and the implications of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling affecting all January 6th defendant, including himself.
Good Reads & Listens
Scott Atlas on PragerU. Not to be missed.
The Rosetta Stone of the new American Censorship policy. COVID and the 2020 Election are the most censored topics in US History: Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz. This explains SO much! It moves fast and is gripping.
Latest Ron Johnson Roundtable with Exclusive Interviews by Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense. Kathy’s pick!
Want Real, Nutrient-Dense Food? Join us in the Kentucky Food Independence Club!
Kentucky agriculture remains the foundation of our culture: raising/growing nutrient dense food for home and/or market, maintaining strong family ties, respect for property, and a strong work ethic.
Our Mission is to connect Kentucky’s “real food” farmers to educated consumers. Real health begins with clean food. As more and more of us wake up to this fact, we see an increase in consumers wanting to leave behind unhealthy practices and jump in with local "real food" farmers!
What’s a real food farmer? By “real food”, we mean NUTRIENT DENSE food raised and/or grown as close to the earth and as naturally as possible. Like:
Non-GMO or organic feed -- preferably soy- and corn-free when financially feasible.
Pastured livestock on unsprayed fields
Grass-fed cattle - GRASS-FINISHED IS AWESOME, but grain-on-grass-finished is good, too, as long as the supplemental grain is non-GMO or organic, and the cattle continue to live on pasture with the sun shining on their backs.
Pastured milk cows - supplemented with non-GMO or organic SOY-FREE grains only while milking. This “treat” keeps the cows happy and standing still
Unsprayed hay
Organic gardening practices (you do not need to be certified organic but farm using organic practices)
Regenerative soil practices
The KY Food Independence Club (KFIC) is a private membership food buying club featuring healthy food provided by Ky farmers. It’s like an online grocery only all the food is REAL & healthy. Nutrient dense foods like…
farm fresh raw milk & dairy products
goat’s milk when available
pastured eggs & chicken
grass-fed, pastured meats
organic baked goods
local honey
organic sourdough bread
organic* fruits & veggies when available locally
all feed is non-GMO or organic
prepared foods all using organic/non-GMO ingredients & cultures
*organic means either USDA certified organic or grown/raised using organic practices.
Members order online at, orders are due Mondays by 3pm (you get a text reminder on Monday mornings). Food is ready for pick up every week at your preferred drop location.
Drop locations & times:
-- Newton's Attic & Georgetown is delivered Thursdays
-- Morehead is at 9:30 am on Fridays.
-- Winchester & Robert's Health Food delivery is Fridays
Costs To Join: There is a $59 annual membership fee ($5/month) and a $75 inventory deposit which is returned to you if you leave the club.
How to join:
Fill out the questionnaire at
Once approved, you get a confirmation text.
Then log back in, sign the Membership Contract and pay the $59 membership. Once that is approved, you get a text letting you know. (You can pay the inventory deposit once you are a member.)
Then you can login and order :)
Text or call Sally with your questions to 859-550-3862.
PS. Don't hesitate to share this! Everyone needs good, clean, nutrient-dense food