No Meeting This Week: Save These Dates & Help Support These Organizations!
1st & 3rd Thursday Meetings
Dear MAFA community!
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with much to be grateful for!
No meeting tonight! (1st & 3rd Thursdays only)
We will meet again on Thursday, December 7th for our Let’s Trade Kentucky Potluck Social!
Food pickups until at least 8:00 p.m. tonight. Even on non-meeting nights, Newton’s Attic will remain open for Food Club order pickups until at least 7:00 p.m. Text Dawn at 859-492-8511 if you need to pick up at a time other than Thursdays before 7:00 p.m.
If you have ideas for guest presenters, please email Kathy at
See below for an opportunity to support some worthwhile organizations and to get an amazing gift for a steal!
December 21st Presenter
The wonderful Gretchen Shaffer Wahlstedt has agreed to present on Non-Violent Communication (NVC) during our December 21st meeting, just in time for the holidays! If you are not familiar with this wonderful concept, learn more about why you shouldn’t miss this!
Support Newton’s Attic: A Little Goes a Long Way Today!
A $25 donation today before 9:00 p.m. can help Newton’s Attic win from $2,500 up to $10,000 for our endowment. If you would like to support Newton’s Attic in our mission to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists, please consider giving just $25 today before 9:00 p.m. In this challenge, two donations of $25 from two different people is twice as valuable as a single larger donation. It’s about getting the MOST unique donors! To be eligible for matches and prizes, donations must be made on-line HERE.
Special Bid Opportunity, Supporting Our Cause
Please take a look at the Greer Photography Gift Basket Brochure for a very special photo session from Greer Photography! This $1,000 photo experience certificate was donated as an auction item during the Beans Cafe/Tom Renz Fundraising Event. Because of the $1,000 value and the exquisite product, we set the minimum bid at $350. Please text or call Dawn at 859-492-8511 to bid.
Another way you can support Newton’s Attic:
Friday is the last day of the Good Giving Challenge! If you would like to give again or more generously, Friday at 6:00 a.m. and noon, donations up to $500 will be matched at 50%, which means a $50 donation becomes $75, up to a $250 match. This match-challenge is very time sensitive, so loading your cart and donating at or 6:00 a.m. or at noon (but not a second before!) is critical.
Support a Worthy Cause
MAFA member Trish Preece would appreciate your support with this project that will benefit her son’s Civil Air Patrol squadron. Trish is invaluable to MAFA and to Newton’s Attic. We appreciate her! CLICK HERE
Welcome to the Kentucky Food Independence Club!
Kentucky agriculture remains the foundation of our culture: raising/growing nutrient dense food for home and/or market, maintaining strong family ties, respect for property, and a strong work ethic.
Our Mission is to connect Kentucky’s “real food” farmers to educated consumers. Real health begins with clean food and a clean planet. As more and more of us wake up to this fact, we see an increase in consumers wanting to leave behind unhealthy practices and jump in with local "real food" farmers!
What’s a real food farmer? By “real food”, we mean NUTRIENT DENSE food raised and/or grown as close to the earth and as naturally as possible.
Real food farming practices include:
• non-GMO or organic feed -- hopefully soy-free and corn-free when financially feasible.
• pastured livestock on unsprayed fields
• grass-fed cattle - GRASS-FINISHED IS AWESOME BUT NOT REQUIRED as long as the supplemental grain is non-GMO or organic, and the cattle continue to live on pasture with the sun shining on their backs
• pastured milk cows - supplemented with non-GMO or organic SOY-FREE grains while milking to keep the cows happy and standing still
• unsprayed hay
• organic gardening practices (you do not need to be certified organic but just farm organically)
• regenerative soil practices
The KY Food Independence Club (KFIC) is a private membership food buying club featuring healthy food provided by Ky farmers. It’s like an online grocery only all the food is REAL & healthy. Nutrient dense foods like…
• farm fresh milk & dairy products
• goat’s milk when available
• pastured eggs & chicken
• grass-fed, pastured meats
• organic baked goods
• local honey
• organic sourdough bread
• organic* fruits & veggies when available locally
• all feed non-GMO or organic
• prepared foods all using organic/non-GMO ingredients & cultures
*organic means either USDA certified organic or grown/raised using organic practices. You do not need to be certified organic, just use organic practices.
Members order online and pick up their food once a week at their closest drop location. Orders are due on Mondays by 3pm.
Deliveries are as follows:
-- Winchester and Newton's Attic are delivered Thursdays by 2 pm.
-- Morehead is at 9 am on Fridays.
-- Robert's Health Food delivery is Fridays by 2pm.
-- HOLIDAY weeks will often need to be delivered on different days TBD :)
Costs To Join
There is a $59 annual membership fee (which breaks down to $5/month) as well as a $75 inventory deposit which is returned to you if you leave the club.
If your orders regularly exceed $75, then the inventory deposit will need to be increased. This is so that its clear that the club buys a member's food with the member's money rather than the club buying and re-selling food.
If there is financial need, please contact me and we'll work it out. We want you in the club -- everyone deserves clean food! I can't do anything about the inventory deposit but you can earn the annual membership fee by working with me a couple of days doing delivery!
Here's how to join:
1. Fill out the questionnaire at
2. I approve that and you get a text letting you know.
3. Then you log back in, sign the Membership Contract and pay the $59 annual membership. You can pay the inventory deposit once you are a member, you'll see that in the catalog.
4. Then you can order!!!
Don't hesitate to ask any questions. Text is best at 859-550-3862 or email :)
PS. Don't hesitate to share this site with your friends: On the questionnaire, there's a place to write in who referred you -- please be sure to let us know so your referrer get a $5 credit when you become a member :)
Non-meeting Thursdays
Newton’s Attic will remain available other (non 1st & 3rd) Thursday evenings to anyone who wishes to gather or host a special purpose meeting. Regardless of meetings, Newton’s Attic will also remain open until at least 7:00 p.m. for Kentucky Food Independence Club (KFIC) pickups. If you would like to use Newton’s Attic on a non-MAFA meeting Thursdays or any other day, or if you would like to pick up your food order at a time other than Thursdays before 7:00 p.m., please text Dawn at 859-492-8511.