Stop the Social Credit Sys--look, a squirrel!
From Ukraine to snake venom, distractions abound. What are WE doing?
Dear Liberty Friends,
Please join us at the Lexington meeting Thursday night 4/14! (Details here.) This community means the world to us as we know it does to you. There’s hope and support at our meetings. We encourage you to join with us, not just on the email list, but in person at the meetings, too. Bring a friend and let’s build this tribe!!
Looking forward to seeing you ALL tomorrow night. Lots to share, let’s get to it!
The One Thing We CAN’T Do
is sit on the sofa watching our world and our freedoms disappear thinking it can’t happen here. It IS happening here, right now.
Our children and their children will live in a global totalitarian society with a QR code on their phones and a chip in their arms that will dictate what they can and can’t do.
When Hal was a kid, he and his friends rode their bikes thru town with 22 rifles across the handlebars to shoot cans in a field. Can you imagine the scene if kids did that today? Not even our children know that kind of freedom.
How did we allow this to happen?
Looking back, we were too happy, working too hard to pay bills and buy L’Oreal, sushi and nice cars, pay for our house on a canal in Key West, get all the right stuff, do all the right things. We were even tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists back in the early 2000s. We saw this coming, knew it, talked about it… but deep inside, I guess we must not have really and truly believed it could ever happen here.
Now it is happening and we are just as shocked, dismayed, depressed, deeply saddened by the level of evil and insanity in full display in broad daylight all around us as you are.
Hospitals are murdering people. That alone is completely shocking and without precedent in polite society.
The hope for our future lies in 2 places:
Grow the MAFA database so large we can no longer be ignored. There are solutions to the voting problem. But if we don’t have the database, it won’t make a whit of difference. We need LIBERTY legislators, not just a red or blue majority. MAFA voters understand this. Our list is the most important tool we have to change our destiny.
Do not comply with the insanity. If you don’t want to be forced to comply with the coming insanity, you need to start prepping NOW to live as far outside the system as possible. Follow Corey Digs’ 22 Ways to Stop the Passport and start putting those steps into place. The only time it’s too late to start is when you DON’T start.
When Kathy says, “No one is coming to save us,” she means NO ONE. YOU are going to have to save yourself and your family.
You’re just not going to have to go it alone. We in MAFA-KY, like MAFA national, are building our local liberty community to help and support each other during the coming years. Yes, years. It’s looking like this dark period will last for at least a couple of years, two, five… longer? It will be hard and dangerous and we don’t want to leave anyone behind.
We need you, we need each other. And we definitely need to find more of us. With MAFA, we are hell-bent on finding solutions, not just for us individually but for all of us as a community.
Yes, we want to punish the bastards who have orchestrated this madness. MAFA is working on lawsuits to do just that. It is an excruciatingly slow process — ask anyone who’s been involved in a serious lawsuit: how long did it take? Years. Just know that it’s happening and that reporting details or strategy is simply not possible. Because what’s the one thing you don’t want to do in a lawsuit? Show your hand.
There are really just two options: comply or don’t. If you are committed to not complying, join us. If you are on the fence, you can be convinced to comply via threats and intimidation. Time to decide.
What kind of world will our children and their children live in if we don’t do things differently than we’ve ever done them before? Come to the meetings and keep coming. Start your own meeting (we’ll help). Bring a friend. Recruit signups. Donate when you can.
Stay close, more is coming. There’s plenty of work to do!
2022 Primary in 30 Days!!!
We have an amazing opportunity to change the landscape and let the powers that be know WE did that. Here are our liberty candidates. Who can you support with time, money, energy? DO THAT — so exciting!!!
★ Protect Your Freedom Now ★
Remaining silent and doing nothing allows it to happen. Here are steps 1 & 2 of Corey Digs’ 22 Ways to Stop the Passport:
DO NOT COMPLY. Civil disobedience is necessary.
DO NOT FINANCE OR HELP BUILD YOUR OWN PRISON. Like investing in pharma companies or shopping at places that will use your money to finance the Great Reset.
Dr. Frank’s presentation on voter fraud at NKY Tea, read about it here.
Bill Maher on Joe Rogan wherein Bill talks about how his party ditched him and common sense. The point in sharing this is not to bash the blues but to revel in the fact that people we never thought would see what’s happening actually are.
And here’s more on that score from The Defender along with a few very interesting news briefs.
Liberty-Minded Connections
BUSINESS/SERVICE: Add your business/service to our Biz Connect list here: (When you need a biz/service, see the results here:
HEALTH PROS: Add yourself or your favorite liberty-minded healer (doctors, nurses, chiros, health/fitness coaches, dentists, etc) to this list: (results are at
How Do We Stop THEM?
Make THEM afraid of us. They are not yet and they won’t be until we can replace them. This is the only thing that will work and we all know it. Send a text or email to 2 people asking them to subscribe to
Three people signed up this past week only because they were asked. I sent a text out-of-the-blue saying: “I think you may be on the same page as me re. the direction our country is headed, into tyranny. Will you join our Terrify-the-Swamp-Creatures email list? Takes less than a minute, no newsletters, no $.” When they responded with questions, I answered and they signed up. Or use Karen’s longer, gentler version in last week’s newsletter. This is how we save ourselves.
If you are new around here, WELCOME! Help us build our community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can, bring a friend, then come again. Meeting details are here.
YOU are the hero you’ve been waiting for. Thank you for all you do for liberty!!!