Paul vs. Perry
Ron Paul just released his newest ad "Trust" Check it out below
Rick Perry then commented that at the end of the Regan Presidency was critical of Reagan.
Then the Ron Paul campaign responded saying this.
An open letter from Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton
Dear Governor Perry,
After our campaign's first ad highlighting your Big Government record and support for liberal Al Gore, your campaign is attacking Dr. Paul - missing the point of why your past is important.
We don't think the fact that you used to be a Democrat is the big problem here. The real problem is that, too often, you still act like one. Even you yourself, Governor Perry, said of your party switch, "I will still vote the same principles, only with an R after my name."
That's the kind of thinking that has our country teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. We cannot afford to nominate someone who thinks the letter next to their name is more important than what they believe.
Governor Perry, let me be clear: It is not that you supported Al Gore that worries us.
It is that you supported Hillary Clinton's health care plan.
You pushed for a federal bailout and stimulus funds.
You support welfare for illegal immigrants.
You tried to forcibly vaccinate 12-year-old girls against sexually transmitted diseases by executive order.
You raised taxes twice.
And, state debt has more than doubled in your tenure as governor, pushing Texas to the brink of our constitutional debt limit.
It's that you supported ALL of these bad ideas that are inconsistent with how most Republicans understand conservatism, yet you now try to swagger your way into the Tea Party.
Governor Perry, with all due respect, you have used great rhetoric. But you will have to answer to the voters of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and across the country as to why that rhetoric does not match your record.
Truth indeed. By the way, here's the ad again.
For Liberty,
Jesse Benton
Campaign Chairman
Then Jack Hunter blogged on Paul's site tearing Perry's comments to pieces.