MAFA-KY (the Make Americans Free Again Kentucky chapter) fights medical tyranny state-wide and nationally. Kentucky Stands Up supports these efforts with weekly, KY-specific news on medical tyranny and our fight for liberty in all areas of private and public life.
Dear Friends,
Please join us at the Lexington meeting Thursday night (that’s tomorrow night, folks)! (Details here.) We find so much hope and support at our meetings, we are grateful to have you in our tribe! Join us in person and bring a friend, let’s keep building, there’s SO MUCH to do yet!!
PS. Sorry to miss two weeks of newsletters!! Life got in the way but all GOOD ♥ mutual aid site is LIVE!
If you are looking for a parallel society, a mutual aid system of liberty-minded friends & colleagues, THIS IS IT!
Need a homeschooling mentor or partner? A liberty plumber? Liberty bookkeeper? Food club or hub? Farmer? Like-minded moms/dads for playdates in your area? STEM classes? Seamstress? Dog walker? Window & door specialist? Website help?
Don’t have a formal business? Consumers needed! (In fact, you can’t search the site until your profile is complete.)
Feature-rich: add your EVENTS, post a CLASSIFIED ad, start a DISCUSSION, and CHAT with other members.
The LTK website is open only to vetted MAFA members so you are assured that all members are interested in freedom from tyranny.
Go here to join up! Just click on the “Register New Account” tab on the login screen (see yellow circle below), enter your email address and create a password.
When you hit “continue”, you are taken to your dashboard where you’ll see this:
There is a “New Members — Important” note at the top. This tells you exactly what to do! There are only 4 sections to complete and you’ll be walked thru each one. If you need help navigating the site, just hit reply.
PS. You’ll need a profile photo, otherwise, it’s just typing :)
Liberty Events
Economist Stephen Moore: The State of Our Economy and What to Expect in the Next Few Months July 18 @ 7:30 pm — Click here to register for this Free Zoom event sponsored by AlertAmerica.News. A member of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, Distinguished Fellow in Economics, Executive Vice President’s Office of The Heritage Foundation, and frequent Fox News Contributor, Stephen Moore is one of the leading economists in the United States. Together with Art Laffer, Steve architected the Trump economic policy that’s still throwing off record revenue to the Treasury. He’s the author of several books, including his latest with Senator Rand Paul: Govzilla: How the Relentless Growth of Government Is Devouring Our Economy—And Our Freedom.
NKY TEA Party Meeting Wednesday, August 3, 6:00 PM at Erlanger Library. Speakers TBA.
KrisAnne and JC Hall: Educate, Organize, and Activate Class Saturday, August 6th in Cincinnati. Click here for details!
Be sure to check the calendar: Click here to view all events across Kentucky (or post your own).
MAFA KY Initiatives
CASH ONLY — Here’s how to start: every Monday take enough cash out of your account to cover groceries & gas for the week. More on that here and in the “One More Thing” section below.
Join our local community building & trading site @ Let’s Trade Ky!
ISO Liberty Lawyers who know the truth about the Jab (even if they took it). Patrick Peterson is heading up a charge to collect names of lawyers willing to help us with legal issues, such as a state court filing, negotiating a bond amount, or navigating issues related to a state election count/recount. Do you have a name to suggest? Hit reply and let us know!
County Over Country: Keeping an Eye on our Representatives Surveillance makes politicians squirm. MAFA KY is setting up a “County Over Country” watchdog initiative. From the smallest, most rural KY towns to the largest counties, these guys and gals need to be monitored. Complete details are here!
News from Pam Popper & MAFA HQ
Y’all, start a garden! Food prices are skyrocketing but the biggest problem looming is availability. Farmers do not have fertilizer, dozens of food processing facilities have burned down, millions of chickens and laying hens have been slaughtered. The recent shortage of baby formula is a warning we should all take seriously. There is no sign that these problems are going to go away anytime soon, and the best time to start preparing is now.
Homeschooling may be even more important now than it was when the biggest concern was COVID policies and masks. Almost all schools, including some private schools, have adopted a “woke” agenda and are indoctrinating children with everything from incorrect versions of history to gender dysphoria. First graders are being asked to choose pronouns. Secret clubs are meeting. And “gender closets” allow children to change clothes when they arrive at school and pretend that they are the opposite sex.
This is extremely stressful for children, who are often told not to tell their parents about their activities at school. Parents should heed child psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald’s warning about this.
The upcoming MAFA Academy (free to MAFA members) will include workshops about homeschooling conducted by parents and their kids.
MAFA is launching a presence on Truth Social. The platform is stable (as in well-funded), there is (relatively) little censorship, and the members are generally people we want to reach.
The importance of our MAFA Parallel Society Life in the U.S. is challenging for many people and it’s going to get a lot worse before things are turned around. MAFA groups have been and will continue to be one of the very best ways to survive and thrive during these difficult times. Members meet new friends, find new churches, get new jobs, find new doctors, find help with homeschooling, and are able to live more normally while the outside world has gone mad.
As our rulers become more desperate and their plans fall apart, they are going to make things even more difficult for us. They have already mandated vaccinations in order to access healthcare through the VA. Medicare will be next. How are we going to get care under these circumstances? From docs who belong to MAFA, of course!
Our groups are the key to not only taking our freedoms back but also to supporting one another and rebuilding our communities. Our rulers are not done. Let’s get and stay prepared.
KY SoS Michael Adams Leads the Republican Leadership Over a Cliff
Two and 3-year-old kids with seizures is "the new normal”? Can people really be so incredibly stupid and brainwashed? Rhetorical. We know the answer. Some of us are still stunned by it.
Worth repeating: here’s why you need to GET A FREEZER: Click here.
Who is coming to save us?
We need names on the MAFA email list. Ask 2 people to subscribe to Be direct or gentle, JUST DO IT because WE are who's coming.
Share this. You might just reach someone.
Here are the live links to both interviews: Gohmert and Craig. I don’t post live links on FB because the posts get deleted for misinformation.
If you are new around here, WELCOME! Help us build our community — join us at a meeting as soon as you can, bring a friend, then come again. Meeting details are here.
Take heart: WE are defining the better way. Join us!
One more thing: CASH = FREEDOM.
Please watch the first six minutes or so of this video featuring CAF (Catherine Austin Fitts). The digitization of our money and our lives is proceeding apace. They will not need concentration camps to contain us. We will become prisoners in our own homes. The Global Technocracy will be able to control where we drive, what we buy, and how much money we have available to us. Digital IDs and CBDC are being introduced in Europe as we speak and supposedly implemented by this fall.
According to CAF, if 10% of us would use cash, we could stop the Central Banks from implementing their plan.
It is also good to note that smaller community banks encourage the use of cash because CBDC is an end-run around them, and they are threatened with going out of business. Your debit and credit cards are traceable (you are voluntarily providing them all kinds of information about yourselves which can and will be used against you), and the fees you pay are being used by the corporate and governmental globalists to build your digital prison.
Seriously, it’s not a good idea to finance people who want to kill you.