Russell Webber: Kentucky TEA Party Candidate
My good friend Serena sent this letter today about Russell Webber, a Kentucky Tea Party candidate. I'm passing it on to you. If we want real change in Frankfort, we are going to have to put our money where our mouths are.
The truth is each Kentucky legislator affects all of us, no matter our districts. And, in Kentucky, a candidate can win a race by a few votes to a few hundred votes.
Literally every little bit of support helps. Russell has a plan to win. He needs a little help. Please consider it. The bottom line is that, if we don't do everything we can to make certain our candidates win, we will suffer the consequences.
Dear Sally,
My friend Russell Webber is running for the 49th district seat for State Representative here in Kentucky.
I know in the past when someone whom I could not vote for was running, I rather dismissed any engagement in the campaign with the thinking that all that mattered was my vote... and since I can't vote, in that district... I shrugged my shoulders.
After having the opportunity this year to work on SB 47, the Livestock Act (a.k.a. the "raw milk bill") that would impact my family and our buying club along with our food freedom rights, I now know how crucial it is to have representatives in Frankfort that understand how important these issues are for us here in Kentucky.
Russell's opponent (Linda Belcher) voted for HB 290 which, if passed, would have increased the state debt by $1.1 Billion and added $400 million in new taxes on small businesses!
She sponsored (three times!) the "Snot tax." This is the Sudephedrine bill that would have required anybody using this OTC cold/allergy medicine to get a prescription from their doctor. That would place an unnecessary financial burden on families already struggling in this "new" economy. Not to mention the waste of time!
His opponent also attempted to write a bill that would have added unnecessary restriction and regulation on homeschoolers!
No, we are not in his district, but we can help!
There are some letters going out to those in his district who can vote. These letters have proven very effective in previous elections (Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, Tim Moore and many more). The topics will include issues like pro guns, pro-life, right to work and a very special letter that I personally want to help get out that is written by Russell's wife and my childhood friend, Sheri.
I am on a mission to see that they can be mailed and I need your help. We need stamps. LOTS of stamps. They come in rolls of 100 and cost $45 each.
You can contribute by either:
Going to the post office and buying a roll of 100 stamps. (No American Flag stamps, please, think: pretty or.. different.) You may drop off at or mail to the club: Heartland Whole Life Buying Club, 2608 Ring Road, Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Donating the $45 and I will go to the post office and buy them. Mail your checks to the above address. Contact Serena here.
My personal goal is to help collect 30 rolls of 100 postage stamps. This will mail half of the ONE letter from Sheri. (As you can see, it takes A LOT of money to run a campaign).
We can't do it alone. Russell ran in the last election against this same opponent to lose by only 102 votes! Russell Webber can win this one if we can get more help. If you have the time and would like to set a goal and collect from your social circles also, we would be so grateful!
Time is of the essence. These mailings need to go out in the next few weeks, but they can't even be printed until we have the stamps collected.
Let's help Russell Webber win this election! Please: buy stamps or help us buy them.
Thank you! Serena
Russell also signed the Farm Food Freedom Pledge. We asked him, he signed it without hesitation.