Time to Contact our Representatives about Samuel Girod
If you don’t know the story, start here. Ignore all links to kyfreepress, those posts have been moved here.
It's time to start sending letters, emails, calls to the 8 elected representatives below (9 if you count Melania). Here's the plan in two steps:
STEP 1: Have your letter and social media post handy in a text doc. You can copy and paste from the examples below or click here to download samples, then edit as you like.
STEP 2: Open each person's website/social media, copy and paste your note, and send. Click here to jump to the addresses.
I tweeted, facebooked and emailed everyone in less than 20 minutes!
At the very least, our elected representatives must know that PLENTY of people care about an Amish KY farmer being railroaded into prison by an out of control federal agency. Sam is 56, so even a paltry 20 years (of the 68 possible) could be a life sentence. And the feds might be able to take his farm if the judge makes the fine big enough. All this over an innocent labeling infraction. Read the entire story here.
STEP 1: WHAT to Say
Examples below -- it's best to put in your own words so that every letter does not sound exactly the same. But if you don't have time for that, copy and paste! Click here to download samples, then edit as you like.
TWEETS The following tweet is exactly the right # of characters. If you edit, make sure it's no longer.
Did you know the FDA is jailing a KY Amish farmer for life over a label? He needs YOUR help now! #freeamishsam bit.ly/fda-sam
Did you know the FDA is jailing a KY Amish farmer for life over an innocent labeling infraction? He needs YOUR help now! Read the story at KyFreePress.com (bit.ly/fda-sam) Please let me know what you will do to keep this insanity from happening to other innocent Americans, and that you will do everything in your power to help secure a Presidential pardon for Samual Girod. We are ALL at risk! #freeamishsam #thefreedomcoalition
Dear ___________,
Ky Amish farmer Samuel Girod has been railroaded by the FDA into prison over an innocent labeling infraction on an all-natural salve that his family has made for 20 years with no complaints and no victims. He's facing up to 68 years and $3M in fines.
Sam is currently in prison awaiting sentencing on June 30th, 2017. He is 56yo, has lived his whole life without electricity, the salve business has supported his family of 12 children and 25 grandchildren for 2 decades. Again, no complaints, no victims.
The FDA is the perfect example of a runaway federal bureaucracy making laws, then using them to bully innocent Americans. The FDA spent 16 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to harass the Girods, destroying their quiet Amish farm life, then convicting Sam of the most outrageous charges!
What happened to Samuel Girod can happen to any small business owner in America. Details here: http://www.kyfreepress.com/2017/03/updated-sam-girod-v-fda/
We Americans are ALL at risk from the FDA and other over-reaching federal agencies! If you doubt that, check out thefreedomcoalition.com. There are literally thousands of innocent Americans in U.S. prisons for breaking a law made up out of thin air by an agency bureaucrat.
Please let me know what you will do to keep this insanity from happening to other innocent Americans.
Finally, and most importantly today, I am counting on you to resolve this outrageous injustice and do your part to secure a Presidential pardon for Samuel Girod.
Sincerely, (your name and title)
For Trump’s letter, make sure to ask for a presidential pardon directly: “...injustice and sign a Presidential pardon for Samuel Girod.”
STEP 2: WHO + Addresses
Be nice in your missives, please. We don't know why politicians are silent, but they must have a reason. Let's assume it's valid. Keep in mind that Sam needs friends in high places. Let's not alienate the very people who can help him. TO EMAIL: Go to each website and use their form, all contact info below:
KY Governor Matt Bevin Phone, Mail, Email | Facebook | Twitter
KY Senator Rand Paul Phone & Mail | Email Form | Facebook | Twitter
KY Senator Mitch McConnell Phone & Mail | Email Form | Facebook | Twitter
KY Congressman Thomas Massie -- He's at least been sympathetic to the issue. You can only email him if you live in his district. Mailing and phone are at the bottom of the page. Phone & Mail, Email | Facebook | Twitter
KY Congressman Andy Barr (Girod's district; you can only email him if you live in his district) Phone & Mail | Email Form | Facebook | Twitter
KY State Senator Al Robinson (Girod's district) Phone & Mail | Email Form | Facebook | Twitter
KY State House Rep Sannie Overly (Girod's district) Phone & Mail | Email: sannie.overly@lrc.ky.gov | Facebook | Twitter
President Donald Trump Phone & Mail | Email Form | Facebook | Twitter
First Lady Melania Trump Facebook
HOW Often?
Once a week. There are over 26,000 of us, that's a big weekly voice! If we make contact only once, it will have minimal impact. We are aiming for BIG CONTACT so let's do this weekly!!! Don't worry, I'll remind you.
Tips for Efficiency
Ain't nobody got time for dis! Here's how I made it as efficient as possible.
Open your handy doc with your missives for easy copy and paste
TWEETS -- took me just 2 minutes to do them all! Open all the twitter pages at once (right click on each Twitter link above and "open link in new tab"). There is a "Tweet to Person" link under the profile pix (see Matt's screenshot below). Click that, paste the tweet in the window, hit Tweet, close the tab, next.
FACEBOOK: either go to each person's FB page (right click and open in a new tab) and make a comment on an existing post (any post, it doesn't matter, pick one you like). OR do a post on YOUR timeline and "tag" everyone. All tags and instructions are on the word doc above. (I did a single post and tagged everyone, it took less than a minute!)
EMAIL: Open all the email pages (right click and open in new tab), then copy and paste each letter one after the other. This part took me 13 minutes total.
For those of you who don't live in Kentucky, you might take a few extra seconds and email your state reps. Tell them to "Rein in the federal agencies. Do not let this happen in our state!"
Find your Senator here: senate.gov/senators/contact/
Find your House Rep here: house.gov/htbin/findrep