Starting Your Own MAFA Meeting
First of all: PLEASE DO! Even if there are just two of you at your kitchen table to start! If you have your meeting every week, people will hear about it and your group will grow.
Hey you all! Sally here /=:-) Just wanted to let you know I led a brand new MAFA KY meeting in Owingsville last night and doing one tonight in Morehead. I've never led a meeting before but turns out, it's very simple.
Videos & Handouts
You don't need any special equipment and if you can't show a video for any reason, you will still do fine! I don't have a big screen for videos at either location, so I'm using my computer and a pair of $11 plug-in speakers from Walmart. Good enough!
If you want to show a video and aren't sure about wifi at your location, you can download the video to your computer or screen-record it on your phone to have for later.
I also didn't have handouts or biz cards, not a problem. Probably better with, but don't let that stop you.
We just need to get the word out and when you follow the instructions & proposed agenda here, it's very simple!
Here's what to do:
6pm Before the meeting, greet everyone, ask them to sign in with name & phone number. Tell them you'll be sending them a welcome text after the meeting.
6:30 introduce yourself
Read the MAFA mission:
MAFA KY is a non-partisan, grassroots movement created to unite all liberty-loving Kentuckians who are angered by the excessive, illegal and destructive government actions over the past year. These have dealt serious injury to our individual HEALTH, Kentucky’s economy, our families, and, especially, to our children. We will no longer sit by as our elected officials, “public health” agency policies, and unelected bureaucrats destroy our Commonwealth, using a virus with a 99.74% recovery rate as their cover.
Explain our 3 main action steps:
legislators — grow a voter database so that we control elections. Until we have the numbers to replace them, they won’t listen. “growing the database” = subscribe!
lawsuits — Main lawsuit v Beshear to make him prove there was ever an emergency. (link in the top right sidebar of our site too)
homeschool — schools won’t listen until we hurt them in the pocketbook and that means withdrawing kids from school. Schools are right now getting millions in fed dollars to implement “safety” measures so they are not going to listen to parents.
Emphasize that we are building community, not just gathering names. Let everyone know they are free to attend every week, get to know us and keep meeting new like-minded friends who live in their neighborhoods!
Ask for questions
Ask everyone to go to on their phones and either subscribe right then or keep that tab open so they are reminded later.
After the Meeting
Send everyone a text with a link to a welcome page here:
Sample text to send:
Hi! So glad you are joining us! Here’s a little info about the organization & how you can help STOP medical tyranny:
That's it! Feel free to ask questions via the email at the top of every page!