Letter From The Office of the Senator of the Republic of the United States of America And The Republic for Iowa, Senator Randi Shannon
July 4th, 2012
Hello everyone,
My name is Randi Shannon, and I have been honored to be Iowa’s Republican Candidate for The Office of State Senator in District 34. The support I have received from so many in this district has been just incredible! I will never forget your commitment to my campaign!
I want to especially thank my fellow Ron Paul for President Supporters, My Fellow Members of Liberty, My Friends who home school as did I, the many Pro-Life Members who have been so supportive of my candidacy over these past few months, and of course all my supporters in the Republican Party who have offered me so much help and encouragement, including many Republican Office holders here in Iowa, I promise you, your efforts on My behalf will be remembered.
Let me now announce to everyone in Iowa, I have become aware of the existence of the Original Republic for The United States of America.“We the People” re-inhabited our lawful de jure* government on March 30th, 2010. This is The Republic founded in 1787 and then abandoned during The Civil War in the 1860s.
It was then replaced in 1871 by the de facto* UNITED STATES CORPORATION. This Unlawful Corporate Democracy, established by the forty-first congress, has been acting as though it is the “official government” which clearly it is not! In point of fact, it is the reason why “We the People” Instead of Experiencing Freedom and Prosperity, suffer under the weight of Oppressive Statutes and an Out of Control, Monstrous National Debt which is Robbing Us and All Future Generations of Americans of Our Treasure and Our Legacy for which Our Founding Fathers’ so Valiantly Fought and Died.
And Remember This! Where the de jure Republic of The United States of America exists the de facto UNITED STATES CORPORATION, having no standing, must go away!
Now, knowing this, and with the best interests of The People of Iowa District 34 uppermost in my heart and out of respect for my own conscience, I am here to announce that I am ending my campaign as of this July 4th, 2012. Trust me this story does not end here nor does my commitment. In fact, my level of service to the good people of Iowa who have been so supportive of me and my campaign will be greatly increased. Please allow me to continue, because I have some great news to share with all of you! Republic for Iowa In Union With The Republic of the United States of America
I have learned from my participation in campaigns that no matter who we elect, there’s no positive change. The same talking points are used; “lower taxes, education reform, we need to end BIG GOVERNMENT PORK etc”. We cast our votes, and for the most part, we are no better off. Our taxes go up and while we are losing our liberties in the name of security, our country becomes more divided. New executive orders are issued, BIG GOVERNMENT INTRUSION into our private lives is on the rise and the Peoples’ despair grows and deepens. What Hope is there for any solutions from THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION?
In fact, that which happens is all too often nothing like what’s been promised. I know you feel very disaffected as I’ve heard this from so many of you with whom I’ve visited with these past several months. I want you to know I feel the same! Unfortunately despair is rampant in our country today and with good reason!
Over the past several decades the quality of life for The People of Iowa has been eroding. Our individual earnings have dropped, we have skyrocketing inflation, our public education system is a disaster, and THIS BLOATED GOVERNMENT we cannot afford just keeps on growing.
American Entrepreneurism is all but dead. If the needs of “We the People” were being properly addressed, THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION would have brought about changes that would have led to a vast and growing economy with prosperity for all who want it. Therefore, The American Dream in Iowa and all over this country would be alive and well and Our Succeeding Generations would truly be better off as a result.
Instead, ours is an economically weak nation with the dollar on the very brink of collapse! We now find corruption at virtually every level of government and hardly ever is anyone made to answer for it. Just like Eric Holder, they refuse to answer and often as not they are rewarded. Where’s the law? and Public Accountability?
This Corrupt System is just like an out of control freight train heading at full speed toward the river where the bridge has been washed out by a flood brought on by their own acts in violation of the Public Trust, and their Oaths to The Constitution of Iowa and The Republic of The United States of America.
Remember, THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION was changed from The Republic, and since then, we have seen a plethora of Statutes passed as if they were Law without the consent of “We the People”. With the abandonment of The Republic, and especially following 1871, the abuses of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION heaped upon the American People and the Peoples of the International Community have been inestimable and unconscionable. In this, I cannot and will not have a share!
From the President on down, many of these so-called servants of the The People have repeatedly violated their oaths of Office, their fiduciary responsibilities, and in every way imaginable they’ve committed the most egregious acts against “We the People” of the United States of America and People around the world. They have continually violated the People’s Trust. Be fooled no longer, that Trust is broken beyond repair!
Therefore, in order to affect the most good on behalf of The People of Iowa’s 34th District and in keeping with my conscience, I have accepted the position of U.S. Senator in The Republic of The United States of America, where I may better serve You and All of The People of Iowa. I want you to know I have taken an Oath to Uphold, Support and Defend The Constitution of The United States of America. This I will do to the best of my ability, So Help Me God.
As Your Senator from Iowa in The Republic of The United States of America I will be especially focused on the following areas:
[First] As someone who home schooled my kids has been Committed to and Achieved Educational Excellence for my own family, I whole heartedly support and will work with my Colleagues in The Republic Congress who plan to eliminate the Department of Education when it transfers to The Republic from THE BANKRUPT UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Educational Excellence first and foremost is the result of personal commitment; first by parents, and then by the students themselves. We don’t need to spend more on education to achieve better results; just note how the opposite has proven to be true. Point of Fact, Home Schooling, which costs taxpayers nothing, often accomplishes the best result! However, not everyone can or may want to make this choice for their family and may see advantages to Community, Private, Charter, Internet and/or Televised School systems. If we are truly dedicated in our quest for Educational Excellence, then we need free market competition in the area of education, and we need to leave it to families and their students in Iowa and in Our Republic to make the choices that best serve them and meet their needs. This reflects my commitment to you, and on this I will not waver!
[Second] I am absolutely committed to our men and women in uniform who serve our country, and for them that means “No More Undeclared Wars”! Their Blood is Too Precious to be spilled needlessly in far away countries where there is no threat to Our Republic. The Lives of our service men and women are of Such Exceeding Value as not be lost or even put at risk for the enrichment of those who profit as a result of war and so called Nation Building-Police Actions. As your Senator in The Republic of The United States of America, I will never vote for or in any other way support such actions! I am Bound by My Oath to The Constitution of Republic of The United States of America which places limits upon me, while I serve in office, and I appreciate these limits as lawful and necessary in the performance of my duty to The People of Iowa. I want you to know, I Take My Oath Very Seriously!
[Third] As Your Senator in The Republic of United States of America, Our Unalienable Rights Shall be protected, and First Among These “Life” shall be protected from the “Moment of Conception On”. I refer everyone to “The Republic for Iowa-Life Affirming Proclamation” a copy of which I can provide by email. This Proclamation has My Endorsement and My Vote!
[Fourth] Every concern which The People of Iowa have regarding GOVERNMENTAL ABUSE, such as the high cost and unconstitutionality of Obama-care and current healthcare costs, the invasive, insufferable acts committed by the TSAs at Airports, Taxation at Obscene levels, and the list goes on and on, are all problems brought on by The de facto UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
By serving as your Senator in The Republic Congress, I am restrained to voting in line with Our Republic for The United States Constitution, which by the way does not contain the 14th Amendment or any thereafter as these are the product of the de facto UNITED STATES CORPORATION, and have no basis in Our Constitution. Therefore, “they are Their Problems” and when you join The Republic of The United States of America, they are no longer your problems! And as your Senator, I Proclaim here today that I am determined that “Their Problems” will never again become your problems in The Republic!
Again, Remember, where the de jure Republic of The United States of America exists the de facto UNITED STATES CORPORATION, having no standing, must go away!
I want you to know how very much I look forward to serving you and all of The People of Iowa as your United States Senator in The Republic of The United States of America, which truly is One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All!
For those of you having difficulty understanding the reasons for my decision, I want to refer you to the websites RepublicForTheUnitedStates.org and RepublicCongress.org.
I thank you so very much for your thoughtful attention! And I look forward to addressing your concerns in Our Republic of The United States Congress!
In Faithful Service to The People of Iowa, United States Senator Randi Shannon
Four videos that may help your understanding of our Republic of The United States:
*Definition of de facto and de jure from Black's Law Dictionary Sixth Edition
De facto: In fact, indeed, actually. This phrase is used to characterize an office, a government, a past action or a state of affairs which must be accepted for all practial purposes, but is illegal or illegitmate. Thus, an office, position or status existing under a claim or color of right such as a de facto corporation. In this sense, it is the contrary of de jure which means rightful, legitimate, just or constitutional. Thus, an officer, king, or governor de facto is one who is in actual possession of the office but by usurpation or without lawful title. While an officer, king or governor de jure is one who has just claim and rightful title to the office but has never had plenary (full, entire, complete, absolute, perfect, unqualified) possession of it or is not in actual possession. Macloud vs. the U.S. 229 U.S. 416.