Today's the Day: One Phone Call, One FREE Movie!
Please Make One Phone Call @ 800-372-7181
The Farm Food Freedom bill (SB47) might be voted on as early as tomorrow (Monday) so Please Call right now 800-372-7181 and leave a quick message for your Senator:
“Please support SB 47 to protect our rights to choose the food we want from the sources we want. Also, do not allow any changes to the bill! We want it passed just the way it is."
There is powerful opposition to this bill from Big Dairy and Big Ag corporations. They are pulling out the stops to kill this bill -- all in the name of food safety and protecting us from ourselves, of course. This bill is a powerful opportunity for Kentucky's small farmers and consumers to protect our food freedom rights!
If we can stop corporate interests from usurping our rights this time, we will have won a powerful victory, not just for Kentucky but for farmers and consumers across the U.S. All eyes in the nation's Farm Food Freedom moovement are on us! Please call now: 800-372-7181. If you don't know who your Senator is, find yours here: Or leave a message for all the Senators!
Watch the new movie Fresh FREE (this week only)!
I watched it last night and it is beautifully uplifting. It tells the stories of what farmers and consumers are doing now to promote local food, local farms and the freedom to eat what we choose. I am inspired to keep moving forward.
Don't miss it -- did I mention it's FREE this week? Go here to see:
Today's the Day: One Phone Call, One FREE Movie!