Update on Milk Bill and Weekly Reading
Good Monday! Here's hoping everyone had a lovely Christmas holiday and is looking forward to the New Year and KY's upcoming legislative session! We sure are!!!
UPDATE on KY's Raw Milk Bill
After speaking with several KY dairy farmers, Senator Schickel has withdrawn support for the bill. While there are those in the farm food freedom mooovement who would like to see raw milk "legalized", KY's regulatory machine is still hostile to the idea. Until that changes, a bill with an open door to regulation would only serve to empower those who would like to squelch the farm food freedoms we still retain.
Several members of our movement participated in a conference call with Senator Schickel last week. As soon as we have a report on that, we will forward to you.
Just This Week in Farm Food Freedom News:
A young farming couple gives up » Why We Farm: The Final Chapter
Small Dairy Farmers Fear Coming Out of the Barn
USDA, ADA and BIG Food, Big Pharma Too Cozy, Taints Dietary Guidelines
Armed and Ready: New Mexico Residents Defy Government
Elkhart County Sheriff intervenes against feds in raw milk case
Predator drones used against Nevada farmers in stray cattle case
Labor Department Looks To Take The ‘Family’ Out of Family Farms
Check out our Louisville friend's blog @ FoodClubsandCoops.com for more timely farm food freedom news.
To stay up with all the news, follow us on Twitter @ FarmFoodFreeKY or check the Twitter roll on the blog (inside right column) to see what we're reading!
Thank you for your support of FarmFoodFreedomKY.org!
FFFKy.org is completely supported by donations and takes no government funding. If you'd like to make a donation, please click here. Thank you!!!
May 2012 bring us all good health and continued prosperity in every sense of the word!
The Farm Food Freedom KY Team