If you are a local business or service provider and would consider offering a discount for cash payments, please check out this post!
The elites are intent on killing cash because it undermines their ability to take power from us. Paying with cash is anonymous. Paying with cards and apps are convenient, but there are two significant costs: your privacy and your freedom.
Here’s how you can lose both: paying with a card or app leaves a digital trail that is part of the surveillance grid. The trackers documenting your movements, payments, and behaviors can now do so without leaving their computers!
Two simple ways the elites have been working to kill cash are by simply making it unavailable. They are seeing to it that 1) ATMs are removed from high traffic areas and 2) closing local bank branches. This has been happening for awhile now.
Ultimately, the plan is to use facial scans which employ artificial intelligence to recognize you and your credit rating. AI can also detect emotions, connect social affiliations and determine whether you’re under stress or getting sick.
Remember, too, that electronic payments are extremely lucrative for banks and payment service providers, and now the data broker industry.
By using electronic payment, you are building your own prison!
Given the likelihood that the financial system might (likely soon) be deliberately crashed, we must employ a variety of tactics to defeat this initiative.
By using cash, we undermine the predatory banking system and ensure our autonomy.
To Do List
√ Move your money to a local bank or credit union.
√ Pay cash everywhere you’re able!
√ Encourage friends & family to do the same!
For more detail, see ‘Cash or Card – Will COVID-19 Kill Cash? Leaving a Digital Footprint With Every Payment’ (excellent video here, too).
If you are a local business or service provider and would consider offering a discount for cash payments, please check out this post!