What is MAFA-KY?
We are a non-partisan, non-sectarian grassroots movement created to unite all liberty-loving Kentuckians who are angered by the excessive, illegal and destructive government actions since March 2020. These mandates — lockdowns, masks, experimental medical treatments — have dealt serious injury to our individual health, individual rights, Kentucky’s economy, our families, and, especially, to our children.
We will no longer sit by as our elected officials, “public health” agencies, and unelected bureaucrats destroy our lives and our Commonwealth, using a virus with a 99.995% recovery rate as cover.
Our 2 main action steps:
GOAL: Take back our individual rights
ACTION: Grow a voter database so large, WE control elections.
WHY: Ultimately, all legislators care about is the next election, and keeping and growing their power. Until we control elections, they can ignore us without consequence. Once we can replace them, however, then they will pay attention. Until then, nothing else we do matters: not the calls, letters, emails, rallies, visits.
HOW: Growing the database is simple: SUBSCRIBE to MAFA-KY. You won’t get newsletters, there are no obligations. To be clear: we just need numbers. Not warm bodies, not phones, just numbers. Subscribe every voter in your family, recruit your friends, neighbors.
LAWSUITS We are suing the criminals in our government agencies to make certain they are punished for their crimes and to stop them from committing more. MAFA files our own lawsuits — Tom Renz is our lead attorney — and we support other lawsuits around the country.
Building Community
If you’d like to do more, if you’d like to join with like-minded KY friends in building community and parallel societies, come to a meeting. You are welcome to attend every week, get to know us and help us create OUR new normal.
Learn more about parallel societies here.
WHY join MAFA? Because…
You’ll make new friends – people who share your views and values.
You’ll have fun! Most people report that MAFA meetings are the highlight of each week.
You’ll work with fellow group members to invest in your community. Our small business rescue program helps businesses that were damaged by lockdowns, restrictions and onerous rules.
You’ll attend fun parties and gatherings that raise money for our legal team.
MAFA groups are the place to find almost anything you need:
a new church
other organizations that are not “woke”
a new job
new clients for your business
a new doctor or nurse practitioner who does not promote or require shots for you or your kids
other home school parents: collaborate, share ideas
restaurants, bars, shops and other places that do not require masks, vaccine passports, temperature checks and other nonsense
who knows? A couple who met at MAFA is getting married soon :)
MAFA groups provide the ultimate networking opportunity for Liberty friends.
You’ll be joining the most successful group in the U.S. that is restoring our communities and our country.
Because we are bringing tens of millions of people together:
tens of millions of people can stop any illegal rule or restriction the government imposes by just refusing to comply;
tens of millions of people can end a chain store’s policy quickly (like not accepting cash) by refusing to shop there until the policy is changed;
tens of millions of people can orchestrate the end of masks on planes by refusing to fly until the rule is ended;
tens of millions of people can be sorted by location and insist that local public officials do what we want them to – because we have enough people and the power to vote them out!
And last but not least because we are Americans who love our country & want to save it!
You know it ain’t over.
Americans are soon going to face challenges that may be worse than the medical tyranny we have already endured. We expect these challenges to include changes in the banking system, a complete government takeover of the healthcare system, digital IDs for pretty much everything including leaving your house, driving, going to the gym and the grocery store. And severe food shortages on top of the shortages we’ve already experienced.
Not to mention the speed at which prices are rising.
Joining with us to continue building our “parallel society” ensures that WE will survive and thrive in spite of these new challenges.
Tens of millions of people working together can form their own financial system, their own healthcare networks, and arrange for their own food supplies.
Join us today. Get to know us. Build a better future with us. Start here: go to MAFA-KY.com and click the red “Join Us” button!
Are You Living In Another State?
When you subscribe at MAFA-KY, you will enter your state name and be sorted that way in the national database.
How to Find Your State Group
At the present moment, there is no definitive way to find out if your state has a group yet. Here are two ways to search:
When a state has a chapter, it gets a MAFA-ST.com site. So KY is MAFA-KY.com, Hawaii is MAFA-HI.com. Try that url for your state.
Search “mafa yourstate”, see what you get!
If there is no state group yet, PLEASE consider starting one!!! You’ll have tons of support and we have a state leaders’ call once a month. Here’s how to start a group!
The one thing we CAN’T do
is sit on the sofa, watching our world and our freedoms disappear thinking it can’t happen here. It IS happening NOW. If you and I don’t stop it RIGHT NOW, our children will live in a global totalitarian society with a QR code on their phones that will dictate what they can and can’t do. There is not room on this page to describe the horrors that await us if we don’t stand up for our freedoms NOW.