December & January Events, Reminders, Updates, and a Merry Christmas to all!
Upcoming events tomorrow (this Friday) and on Thursday, January 16th
Merry Christmas to our Wonderful Community!
Wishing you freedom, health, peace, happiness, and prosperity (in that order!) in this season and in the year to come!
In This Issue (Scroll Down for Details, please!):
• NO regular MAFA meeting this Thursday, December 19th
• This Friday (December 20th): Please support Derek Nance!
• Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 Let’s Trade Kentucky Potluck
• Save the Date: Thursday, January 16th Rhonda Miller, Assistant National Field Director for The John Birch Society, will present to Lexington MAFA
• Join Newton’s Attic for Robot Gladiator League (spectator-friendly combat robotics) Melee on Saturday, January 11th at Woodford County High School!
• Chance to Win Product: Offer from MAFA member Kim Humphrey
Reminder Info:
• Institute for Justice Needs Plaintiffs. Please help!
• Vaccine exemption rights trump “Best Interest” law in custody disputes!
• AAPS seeks to block the requirement that Americans provide their personal information to federal agencies beginning Jan 1, 2025
Please Support Derek Nance This Friday
Derek’s next pretrial hearing is this Friday, December 20th at 8:30 a.m. in Lexington Circuit Courtroom 2 on North Limestone Street.
Anyone in the community who has been following Derek and JoAnn’s story and supports the cause, or who might be interested in being a potential witness, is recommend to attend. There will be an opportunity to speak with Derek and his attorney about the trial details afterwards.
A personal aside: Over the years, Kathy and I (Dawn) have been witness to a number of courtroom dramas, mostly in support of friends and family, or sometimes a cause (like bearing witness to Amish Sam being prosecuted by the FDA in 2017 and sentenced to 6 years in federal prison for a labeling infraction on his skin salve product). Before that, in 2011 and 2012, our good friend’s shop, Botany Bay, was raided by a SWAT team (yes, twice), with tens of thousands of dollars in damaged and confiscated goods, not to mention the arrest and prosecution of her young staff. We watched her fight for justice in the court system. There were other cases over the years, with stories too long to tell here. What I can say is that every act of witnessing felt important. We supported, and we learned that what most people think (and hope) only happens to “other people,” in fact happens to “us.” It is also a window into a part of life that most of us (hopefully) will never get to personally experience.
Even more than showing up at someone’s wedding, their baby’s baptism, or the funeral of their spouse or parent, showing up at someone’s trial is a profound type of shared experience, and the support is immensely needed and appreciated.
In short, it can be interesting, educational, and helpful all at the same time. Hope to see you there!
Derek’s next pretrial hearing is this Friday December 20th at 8:30, Lexington Circuit Courtroom 2.
January 2nd Let’s Trade Kentucky Potluck & Networking
The 1st Thursday Let’s Trade Kentucky Potluck & Networking will take place on Thursday, January 2nd.
6:00 p.m. at 4974 Old Versailles Road, Lexington, KY 40510
Save the Date!
Third Thursday Presenter on Thursday, January 16th Rhonda Miller, Assistant National Field Director for The John Birch Society
Rhonda Miller is an Assistant National Field Director for The John Birch Society and serves as President of Purple for Parents United (formerly Purple for Parents of Indiana). As an independent researcher, Rhonda has spent the last 13 years uncovering the truth of what was and is happening in American education. In her search for the truth, she uncovered Indiana as ground zero for the sexual revolution that has infiltrated our schools. Her battles have taken her to the Indiana Statehouse to testify before both the House and Senate Committees. She worked with legislators to finally overturn Indiana’s loophole that allowed our schools to legally distribute pornography as well as the defunding of the Kinsey Institute. Rhonda is a mother of 3 and has been happily married to her husband Jeff for 34 years.
Since joining The John Birch Society in 2023, Rhonda has been exposing the Deep State’s attack on our homeland and how that is playing out at the local level. Through this effort, Rhonda has been exposing the war on farmers, our food supply, our children and how our enemies have captured our nation from within. Rhonda’s call to action inspires Americans across the country to get involved at the local level and begin pushing back against the enemy’s forces. As we stand united, victories are emerging.
Chance to Win Free Product from MAFA Member Kim Humphrey
Hello beautiful friends,
Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy or gettin’ that way ;) with the special mushrooms.
I'm reaching out to tell all of you how grateful I am for you and your trust in me and these wonderful products, for ourselves and our precious fur babies.
That said, I have decided to show my gratitude by giving away a bottle of INFORCE value $38.99. This drawing will be open to anyone who is on Smart Ship (that helps me) and or has had an order this month (un
til the 31st) Remember that being on Smart Ship, you receive FREE shipping, (unless you're ordering heavy dog food— then it's very reduced) you can always and easily edit it, and even pause it whenever you want.
I love the testimonies, please send me a video, under 1 min so it can be shared.
Kim Humphrey
Please Help the Institute for Justice Find Plaintiffs!
The Institute for Justice, the most inspiring liberty group in the country (, is a nonprofit, public interest law firm whose mission is to end widespread abuses of government power and secure the constitutional rights that allow all Americans to pursue their dreams.
We are working with IJ Attorneys Rob Johnson and Michael Soyfer, whose work at IJ is focused on government surveillance, civil forfeiture, and accountability for government officials who abuse their power. Many of you heard Michael at a recent MAFA meeting, and were inspired by his work and message.
As Kentuckians, we have a rare opportunity to not only help the very worthwhile IJ, but also to be an active participant in securing our Constitutional liberties through our participation as plaintiffs! So often, especially those of us who gather at our Make Americans Free Again meetings, we wonder what we might actually do to support liberty and our Constitution as we watch in dismay at the breakdown and degeneration of our beloved country. Well, dear friends, this is your chance!!
Please read the attached description, then send an email to Rob and Michael at if you are interested in learning more.
I really hope some of you will take action … it is a wonderful and rare opportunity to interact with an incredible organization while doing actual work to secure your own liberties.
AAPS seeks to block the requirement that Americans provide their personal information to federal agencies beginning Jan 1, 2025 (thanks, Tina!)
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (“AAPS”) served a lawsuit on Oct 11, seeking to block the upcoming requirement that tens of millions of Americans provide their personal information to federal agencies beginning Jan 1, 2025. The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) imposes this new reporting requirement on more than 30 million entities such as small businesses, sports clubs, civic groups, and political organizations.
The CTA comprised only 21 pages, camouflaged among nearly 1,500 total pages in a rushed, end-of-year annual appropriation in 2020. With its threatened punishment of two years in federal jail, the CTA requires that tens of millions of ordinary, law-abiding Americans report their home addresses, birthdates, and driver’s license or similar personal identifying numbers to the federal Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), the Complaint states.
FinCEN will then create a massive new federal database for monitoring everyday Americans. Federal investigatory jurisdiction would vastly expand under this law, AAPS’s lead counsel, Andrew Schlafly states. “Most Americans are unaware of this extension in the reach of the federal government into purely local activities. This is the Orwellian Big Brother on steroids.”
AAPS filed this lawsuit in Amarillo, Texas. Small medical practices there and nationwide are being subjected to monitoring by the federal government in D.C.
“Nothing in the Constitution authorizes the federal government to monitor small medical practices and other local entities like this,” Mr. Schlafly points out. “Never before has the federal government been allowed to have such a broad police power over local activities,” he added.
Large businesses are exempt from the CTA if they have more than 20 full-time employees and more than $5 million in gross revenue. Also exempt are 501(c) organizations, such as recognized 501(c)(3) charity groups, as are political action committees (PACs) that support or oppose candidates for office.
“These exemptions are far too narrow, and this new requirement applies to most small entities,” Mr. Schlafly said. “This new law improperly chills the freedom of association that is essential to other freedoms.”
AAPS’s lawsuit is pending in U.S. District Court in Amarillo, No. 2:24-cv-210-Z.
Vaccine Custody Disputes (thanks, Tina!)
Chances are that your attorney does not know this. Please share with friends in custody disputes!
Vaccines are the only issue in child custody disputes where the law already gives us the answers. State statutes tell us what vaccines are required and when, and who can opt out and how. So, most of the time, the only thing a judge needs to do is determine whether all concerned are in compliance with the law. If everyone is—if the children get any required vaccines or are legally exempt—the dispute is over; there’s nothing more a judge needs to do or legally can do.
State laws allow individual parents to exercise an exemption. If “best interests law” = “vaccinate the child” while “exemption law” = “a parent can legally refuse vaccines for the child,” these two laws are in conflict. How do we resolve this conflict? Our legal systems have statutory construction rules that tell us how to resolve conflicting statutes. These rules say that when a general statute (here, the “best interests” statute) conflicts with a specific statute (here, the exemption statute), the specific statute supersedes or “trumps” the general statute. The exemption statute “wins,” automatically, as a matter of law. So, when parents disagree, if one parent has exercised a lawful exemption, that’s the end of the matter. Family law judges’ authority from a general “best interests” statute doesn’t allow them to override a parent’s right from a specific exemption statute. It really is that simple.
Other Events of Interest
Newton’s Attic Robot Gladiator League Season II Melees
Robot Gladiators is a fun, family-friendly, combat robotics spectator sport that gives students hands-on, project-based, STEM workforce skills. Please come out, cheer on a team, and see what Newton’s Attic has been up to!
Get ready for another year of thrilling battles, innovation, and teamwork as our 16 talented high school teams go head-to-head in high-energy combat-robotics competitions. Join us as we celebrate creativity, engineering excellence, and the spirit of competition! Let’s make this season unforgettable! LET'S BATTLE!
Mark Your Calendars:
Lexington area Robot Gladiator events:
• Saturday, January 11th at Woodford County High School
• Saturday, February 22nd at the University of Kentucky Gatton Student Center Ballroom
• Thursday, April 17th at Central Bank Center, downtown Lexington
Want Real, Nutrient-Dense Food? Join us in the Kentucky Food Independence Club!
Kentucky agriculture remains the foundation of our culture: raising/growing nutrient dense food for home and/or market, maintaining strong family ties, respect for property, and a strong work ethic.
Our Mission is to connect Kentucky’s “real food” farmers to educated consumers. Real health begins with clean food. As more and more of us wake up to this fact, we see an increase in consumers wanting to leave behind unhealthy practices and jump in with local "real food" farmers!
What’s a real food farmer? By “real food”, we mean NUTRIENT DENSE food raised and/or grown as close to the earth and as naturally as possible. Like:
Non-GMO or organic feed
Pastured livestock on unsprayed fields
Grass-fed cattle, mostly grass-finished but occasionally some grain-on-grass-finished, as long as the grain is non-GMO or organic and the cattle continue to live on pasture with the sun shining on their backs.
Pastured milk cows - supplemented soy-free grains while milking to keep the cows happy and standing still
Unsprayed hay
Organic gardening practices
Regenerative soil practices
The KY Food Independence Club (KFIC) is a private membership food buying club featuring healthy food provided by Ky farmers. It’s like an online grocery only all the food is REAL & healthy. Nutrient dense foods like…
farm fresh raw milk & dairy products (butter, cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream and more)
raw milk cheeses
pastured eggs
grass-fed, pastured meats
organic sourdough bread & other baked goods
local honey
To join, text Sally at 859-550-3862. Then you’ll order online at, and pick up your food every week at your preferred drop location.
NO MINIMUMS, order what you want when you want!
There are currently 6 Drop locations around the Bluegrass:
Newton's Attic
Robert’s Health Food
Join us! To learn more, visit or call Sally at 859-550-3862.
Y’all, don't hesitate to share this newsletter! Everybody needs a little liberty and nutrient dense foods in their lives. ❤